Take time to go over CSO of each section once before you start preparing for a section and once again before the final review to see which areas you need to work on more.
For, “Procedures and Evidence”:
III. Auditing and Attestation: Performing Audit Procedures and Evaluating Evidence
(16% – 20%)
A. Develop Overall Responses to Risks
1. Develop overall responses to risks identified and use the risks of material
misstatement to drive the nature, timing, and extent of further audit
2. Document significant risks identified, related controls evaluated, and overall
responses to address assessed risks
3. Determine and document performance materiality/level(s) of tolerable
B. Perform Audit Procedures Responsive to Risks of Material Misstatement; Obtain
and Document Evidence to Form a Basis for Conclusions
1. Design and perform audit procedures whose nature, timing, and extent are
responsive to the assessed risk of material misstatement
2. Integrating audits: in an integrated audit of internal control over financial
reporting and the financialstatements, design and perform testing of
controls to accomplish the objectives of both audits simultaneously
3. Design, perform, and document tests of controlsto evaluate design
4. Design, perform, and document tests of controlsto evaluate operating
5. Perform substantive procedures
6. Perform audit sampling
7. Perform analytical procedures
8. Confirm balances and/or transactions with third parties
9. Examine inventories and other assets
10. Perform other tests of details, balances, and journal entries
11. Perform audit procedures on significant accounting estimates
12. Auditing fair value measurements and disclosures, including the use of
specialists in evaluating estimates
13. Perform tests on unusual year-end transactions
14. Audits performed in accordance with International Standards on Auditing
(ISAs) or auditing standards of another country: determine if differences
exist and whether additional audit procedures are required
15. Evaluate contingencies
16. Obtain and evaluate lawyers’ letters
17. Review subsequent events
18. Obtaining and placing reliance on representations from management
19. Identify material weaknesses, significant deficiencies, and other control
For, “Accounting and Review Services”:
V. Accounting and Review Services Engagements (12% – 16%)
A. Plan the Engagement
1. Determine nature and scope of engagement
2. Decide whether to accept or continue the client and engagement including
determining the appropriateness of the engagement to meet the client’s
needs and consideration of independence standards
3. Establish an understanding with the client and document the understanding
through an engagement letter or other written communication with the
4. Consider change in engagement
5. Determine if reports are to be used by third parties
B. Obtain and Document Evidence to Form a Basis for Conclusions
1. Obtain an understanding of the client’s operations, business, and industry
2. Obtain knowledge of accounting principles and practices in the industry and
the client
3. Perform analytical procedures for review services
4. Obtain representations from management for review services
5. Perform other engagement procedures
6. Consider departures from the applicable financial reporting framework
7. Prepare documentation from evidence gathered
8. Retain documentation asrequired by standards
9. Review the work performed to provide reasonable assurance that objectives
are achieved
C. Prepare Communications
1. Reports on compilations
2. Reports on reviews
3. Restricted use of reports
4. Communicating to management and others
5. Subsequent discovery of facts existing at the date of the report
6. Consider degree of responsibility for supplementary information
FAR - 94 (10/4/15), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
AUD - 99 (1/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
REG - 96 (4/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
BEC - 91 (7/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
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