Anyone here get frustrated while studying? - Page 2

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  • #162234

    When I study, I find it very nerve-wracking sometimes because I get extremely frustrated at myself and I just feel like throwing my book across the room. It’s like I’m pounding the concepts in my head and then when I do practice questions, I get them wrong and I feel like such an idiot. And most of the time, I get them wrong over careless mistakes and it seems like I keep making careless mistakes over and over even though I keep telling myself, “Be careful!!!” But nope, I still get questions wrong. Not to mention that there are so many poorly worded questions where you have assume certain things without them directly telling you.

    The thing is, I hate getting questions wrong. I want to take a practice test and kick butt on it, but I can’t and I end up thinking that I’m so stupid and I get extremely angry at myself and my blood pressure skyrockets.

    Anyone else get this way when they study?

    I wish I could be calm and relaxed and just enjoy the studying process, but I can’t. Right now, studying is getting extremely nerve-wracking on me since I’ll be taking BEC in less than a week and I don’t feel at all prepared.

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