Anyone here get frustrated while studying?

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  • #162234

    When I study, I find it very nerve-wracking sometimes because I get extremely frustrated at myself and I just feel like throwing my book across the room. It’s like I’m pounding the concepts in my head and then when I do practice questions, I get them wrong and I feel like such an idiot. And most of the time, I get them wrong over careless mistakes and it seems like I keep making careless mistakes over and over even though I keep telling myself, “Be careful!!!” But nope, I still get questions wrong. Not to mention that there are so many poorly worded questions where you have assume certain things without them directly telling you.

    The thing is, I hate getting questions wrong. I want to take a practice test and kick butt on it, but I can’t and I end up thinking that I’m so stupid and I get extremely angry at myself and my blood pressure skyrockets.

    Anyone else get this way when they study?

    I wish I could be calm and relaxed and just enjoy the studying process, but I can’t. Right now, studying is getting extremely nerve-wracking on me since I’ll be taking BEC in less than a week and I don’t feel at all prepared.

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  • #303617

    I always feel like this. I'm preparing for FAR. Whenever I take a practive quiz I think I'll get all of them correct, but I find out that I end up getting some wrong. It's really frustrating to have to go back to the lessons and re-read them…I feel like I'm being abused by the AICPA…


    I feel the exact same way. I'm actually surprised my laptop is still in one piece.

    Started sitting in May 2002, on and off. But since 2008 I've been nonstop and my scores are....
    AUD - 39, 48, 56, 65, 68, 73, 76!!! (Finally passed in Oct 2011!!!) Becker, NINJA, & Wiley
    REG - 75 (Lost Credit) 72, 68, 73, 75 (Passed again in Aug 2011) Becker, NINJA, & Wiley
    FAR - 65, 68, 75 (Lost Credit) 68, 73, 73, 80 (Passed again in May 2012) Roger, NINJA, & Wiley
    BEC - 65, 68, 71, 72, 72, 71, 76 (Lost Credit)- 70, 76!!!! I AM DONE!!! - Roger, NINJA, & Wiley
    After 10 long years of studying, I AM DONE!!!! Finally a Licensed CPA in the State of New York!!


    CPAMan I am right there with you! I am taking BEC on Thursday and I am getting very nervous by the amount of Wiley questions I am still getting wrong. I want to chuck my laptop and give up but I know that is not the answer!


    Yup, definitely not the answer. If it was, my book would've already been thrown out the window and my computer would've been smashed to pieces. ๐Ÿ˜€

    So, I do try to calm myself down by banging the table rather than taking it out on my books and computer. Something tells me that by the time I'm all done with this, I'm going to need a new table. ๐Ÿ˜‰


    I get annoyed because the MCQs take me sooooo long (especially for FAR) so I feel no matter how hard I try to stick to my schedule I always fall behind because 100MCQ takes me like 2 days to complete.


    LOL that sounds like a better plan to me! What topics are you struggling with?


    @calisteph6- yeah, I know. It's the same way with me. I'm doing a set of about 20-30 MCQs and next thing you know, 2-3 hours have gone by! And I'm like, whoa, where did the time go??

    Mind you, it doesn't take me 2 hours to do the questions. It takes me a long time because when I get a question wrong (or get right due to a lucky guess), I have to go back to my notes and books to figure things out so I can learn from my mistakes.


    i throw stuff across the room and swear and pout like an 8 year old on a regular basis. I always figured this was normal, mature behavior for a 27 year adult.


    I feel like I am taking the passive agressive route though. I poured a coke on my laptop and fried my motherboard on accident (or was it?????) Then my hard drive blew…(weird, because my laptop isn't more than 18 months old) coincidence?????? I now have a crack going across the top of my laptop…I dont even remember how that got there!!!

    I hate when I listen to a lecture, then do the homework, only to get most of them wrong because of stupid mistakes. UGH. It is frustrating. I hate how I have to carry over my “to do” on studying to the next day because I didn't get everything done.

    Calgon take me away!


    I don't mind reading the book, taking notes, etc. What annoys me are all the MCQs. Repetition. When my eyes start to bleed is when I take a break.

    BEC: Passed
    AUD: Passed
    REG: Passed
    FAR: Passed



    I like how all the posters thus far have not passed the CPA lol. Hrmm..I wonder why? ๐Ÿ˜›

    I'm glad you made this post though — I thought perhaps it was an isolated situation for me. I had finished the subtopic chapter on Becker F4 – Working Capital and its Components and thought the concepts/calculations were fairly easy (Peter Olinto is a great lecturer, isn't he). However, I start up the practice questions and end up with a 49% — ouch. Sigh..hopefully that was an anomaly (due to fatigue) and isn't representative of anything.

    Was trying to get done with F4 and a chunk of F5 by the weekend, but I was only able to finish up F3 (which was fairly short), and some of F4 from Friday-Sunday.

    Argh…at this rate it's gonna take me an entire week to finish 2 chapters and with my exam date approaching in November, I may not have enough time to do a final review =.


    @sacred that is me too. I don't mind the rest except for the MCQ. Especially when you are in the final days of studying. Kind of just makes the panic mode set in! Any advice on studying for BEC?


    I have not passed the exam for a very strong reason-I have never taken it………


    @ CPAMAN

    UGH. yes. What is it with multiple choice questions and self loathing behavior? I'm the same way. When I'm trying to do questions, my confidence slowly starts dwindling away. When I took BEC, I was convinced I had a learning disability. lol. But, I've discovered through much anguish and frustration, persistance always pays off. Just to punish myself for getting them wrong, I'll work the same set of questions over and over, attempting to condition myself on all the steps that I need to take to calculate certain things. Even if I've memorized the answer, I still make myself work the problem because it helps me memorize the process.

    It's insanely tedious, but so far it's boosting my confidence and at this point that's all I care about.



    I just took BEC a few weeks ago, and heads up…don't let the questions destroy you too much. I'm using Becker, and Becker's problems are like scientific calculus compared to what was actually on the exam. I freaked myself out over those questions. And for NOTHING!

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