Any tips for improving focus?

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  • #1616766

    Hi everyone! I’ve been on the journey of trying to pass the CPA exams for a solid 2 years now. I started studying in college, then continued studying when I started my job in public accounting. I went to a top 20 business school and was one that never really had to study. Upon taking my first CPA exam I realized that does not work for an exam like this. Needless to say I’ve failed FAR once, REG 3 times, passed BEC and am waiting on my AUD score. After getting through the material I feel like I know the stuff, but when it comes down to it, I have just memorized the questions.

    I’ll take days off or set aside time on the weekend to study and I find myself just not being productive. I’ll put my phone in another room or shut it off and I still find something to distract myself such as zoning out or thinking about random stuff. As much as I try to focus, I cannot get into it. I switched from Becker to Wiley study materials thinking that may be part of the issues, but I’m still finding myself struggle. Has anyone else experienced this? Any thoughts or tips? I really want to pass these damn exams and definitely put the time into it, but I need to improve my focus. I’d really appreciate any feedback! Thanks!

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  • #1616769


    I have the same troubles trying to focus. I've been going at this exam for almost 3 years (will be in December) and I have only one part passed (FAR and lost credit for REG). I've been very frustrated to say the least and I find myself zoning out still. I'd also be interested in what others have to say about this.

    Your post actually sparked my memory (and I will start using this again myself), but there is something the Pomodoro technique that helps to focus. You study for 25 minutes, then take a five minute break. You do that like three or four times in a row and you start building solid mini study sessions together. I guess the only other alternative is to get some adderrall or something, but I was never about that.

    Hope this helps.

    REG - 79
    FAR - ?
    AUD - ?
    BEC - ?


    There is a mindset that 48 minutes of intensity and 12 minutes of mental break are a good cadence. That does not mean 48 minutes study then 12 minutes of social media – but detaching and reflecting.

    May also try MCT oil. Even Dr. Drew recommends I think a tablespoon in one's coffee or something. Pure coconut oil is mostly MCT – no need to buy expensive snake oil.

    A reward system is good – after 2 hours of concentration, I allow myself x.

    I bought a $300 Bose noise cancelling headphone. I use it with a low level of white noise – not music. I question those who say that music helps them concentrate. Many people say that and it boggles my mind as I am completely distracted with music.

    Also set progress goals. I'm going to get through x level of material today/this weekend/this week, whatever.

    Beyond that – these tests are each individual's personal hell manifest in different ways. What is your hell 🙂

    shawn in VA

    I have a very simple solution—


    I used to take it and it worked. But my insurance changed and now its like $150 for 1 month. Same med used to be $10 for 1 month under old insurance.


    Coffee, soda, and candy help me focus, but that crap is terrible for you. I'm ashamed that I have resorted to ingesting such sh*t. But, I'm almost done (hopefully) and need to change my bad habits. I've heard adderol is very addicting and also illegal if not prescribed. That being said, I know a few candidates who use it on exam day to help focus and avoid burnout. But, you should not use it unles prescribed by a Doctor.


    shawn in VA


    ” and also illegal if not prescribed” …that is one of the most profound stmts I have read in a while. Of course it was legally prescribed by an MD. Did you not see my last sentence?


    I second those that have mentioned studying for short periods, then take a short break. Trying to force yourself to study for multiple hours is never going to be productive. Also, don't do something wasteful while you are on your break. Get up and move! Either stretch or take a walk and do some breathing exercises. And try not to think about ANYTHING – just clear your mind and relax so you are ready to start studying again.

    Also – eat healthy food that improves focus. Fruits (especially berries), nuts, healthy fats (avocado and fish are my favorites), caffeine, etc.

    Set parameters and don't set yourself for failure. I have a tendency to expect too much of myself, such as studying every second of my free time. It isn't realistic, then when I fail I beat myself and my motivation is lost. Set realistic study goals and reward yourself when you meet them.

    You're not alone – lately I've had terrible issues keeping focused. Especially in the evenings after a full day of work. This exam is a life sucker and really puts your mental and emotional capacity to the test!

    cpApex Predator



    @skibum what are you usually scoring in becker practice tests before you go into the exam? Do you think you are rushing the exams too much without covering all the content? Or maybe leaving too much time to study and forgetting content? Both can be harmful.


    I started meditating right before taking the exams and continued through taking my last exam. I got a 90 and a 91 on my two scores I have received so far and I really think a lot of that has to do with how much meditation improved my focus and memory. There are tons of articles and YouTube videos on how to do it if you're interested. I used to take adderal but I don't think it truly helped me, it's just a quick fix that will never work in the long run.


    I recommend “not” googling the “meth not even once ads”. Just avoid Adderall which is in part – a close relative of meth! Yikes.

    shawn in VA

    Lets all listen to M123—-she/ he has a PHD in Internal Medicine.

    Adderall helped me tremendously and has helped many others. Being a cousin of some other substance (meth) is irrelevant. I would still take it if it were not for the cost increasing. Pharmaceutical companies spend millions on R&D to help people overcome mental/physical issues. Yes they are in it to make profits as well. Some peoples brains are “wired” differently and need medications to balance out those chemicals.

    shawn in VA

    I used to freak out when walking into a prometric center and would literally freeze one I hit the launch button on the exam. I could not even think straight. I would have to take deep breathes just to bring myself to normalcy. I knew this was not normal so I took a few months off from the exam process and sought medical attention.

    I was prescribed XANAX and other meds (all legally by a doctor) some of which I won't mention here but when I took BEC a few days ago I was relaxed like I was at the beach and put a calm over myself. I could never do that before. I had confidence during the exam, utilized time management, and felt good leaving the exam and was not mentally drained like prior times. This was never the case before.

    So M123 before you are so quick to judge some people really need certain meds to function .


    @shawn in VA

    Sorry, I was not trying to offend you. Certain people who have conditions such as ADD are prescribed Adderol for medical reasons and it helps them TREMENDOUSLY. However, I am just letting candidates know that they shouldn't go to their doctor and lie about a medical condition, so they can get Adderol. That's all I am saying – nothing else.

    Furthermore, Adderol and Xanex are very addicting and I have seen people abuse them who were NOT prescribed them. You can actually die from withdrawing from Xanex. I was prescribed Xanex and used it occasionally during Finals and when I had speeches. Xanex helped a lot, but my doctor cautioned me about daily use.

    If you are legally prescribed a medication for a valid condition – go for it. The rewards typically outweigh the risks. I take an AD for depression and anxiety and it has helped a lot during the CPA process.

    Goodluck everyone and let's knock these brutal exams out!!


    I recommend googling the Pomodoro method, its a great tool, free.

    The idea is you set a timer to work for a specific interval then a break for a specific interval, like study without interruption for 20 min, then a 5 min break.

    Truthfully its more about discipline than focus most of the time. It doesn't sound like you're unable to focus, but unwilling to prioritize it.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    People I know have used Adderall to help get through studying for the exam, and it’s worked great for them – I don’t have ADD but have an incredibly hard time focusing to study. My problem is I just plain don’t want to and have very little self-discipline to be honest. Not everyone’s situation but it’s certainly mine. I’ll study for 5 minutes and then stop – it’s terrible. For me structure and planning ahead are what have gotten me this far. Having very clear goals of what I need to achieve every time I sit down to study. Best of luck to everyone with your studies – I need to take my own advice because I have BEC next week and haven’t started studying yet. Yikes.

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