** Any luck with getting Rogers CPA package at a discount? **

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  • #1774798

    Last week a Rogers rep came to our class to market Rogers CPA, they are offering us 2 years access for $1498, i let the rep know i was genuinely in purchasing a packet. I have to email her and im hoping to ask for some additional discount. Has anyone had luck in purchasing Rogers basic package for less then 1500? thank you

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  • #1774827

    They used to run discounts all the time. I received a discount from them after asking a few years back when I was studying for audit. The least you can do is ask and all they can say is no. Definitely ask.

    AUD - 73, 72 retake 7/2/2016
    BEC - 8/20/2016
    REG - TBD
    FAR - TBD

    I am so ready for this nightmare to be over. Been at this way too long.


    I signed up for the trial, and then got a discount emailed after the trail was over.
    I ended up with the 18 month access and all the flash cards for $1410.75
    The flash cards were a waste of money but I did look at them briefly for FAR. Not a flash card guy I guess.

    I also ended up getting 50% off Gleim books and TB, $516.40 for both.

    Watch for the sales. Do the free trials and the discounts and coupon codes come floating in.
    If you want Gleim call and talk to Debbie, she's great.

    Whatever happened to your time tracking thread? Don't buy the course until you are actually ready to sit for the exams.


    yea i gotta respond on that old thread, will do it when work dies down. tyyy!!


    hey aspencookie, what happened to your daily updates?? You have to stay consistent

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