Am I crazy? Or has anyone had success? - Page 2

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  • #194928
    Double A

    I just applied for my NTS for all 4 sections…

    A little background. I started in public last summer at a midsize firm with a lot of year round work. I fully intended on sitting for the exam immediately, ordered Becker paid for by my firm. With 18 months before the software expired I figured it was plenty of time, I’d pass a section every 4 months and be golden. Unfortunately I got engrossed in work and loved it so I pushed off the exam. Now I am a year into the job and recognized as someone doing a great job, however a lot of my peers didn’t get so into the work and are on the brink of passing the exam, which I think will put them above me.

    So between the software expiring in December and wanting to be even with my peers, is this doable? Has anyone had success working full time (we have a fall busy season as well) and studying the recommended amount (2 chapters a week) with a 2 week review. I know I have read some of the Ninja stories about having a life and what not, but I wanted to see if there were others that may be in a similar boat that work in public and understand the demand of the job a little more.

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  • #674837

    If it was April 21 I would say absolutely go for it, but man, 4 exams in approximately 5 1/2 months with a full-time job along with your family responsibilities is going to be rough. It took me a year to finish the exam and I don't have anywhere near the responsibilities that you do. The exams require a lot of study time in order to pass.

    Is it possible? Sure, I know a couple people who knocked out all four in 3 months, but that's all they did for those three months. I think what you need to do is to be honest with yourself about what you can realistically hope to achieve, because the last thing you want to do is set an unreasonable schedule for yourself, fail, get discouraged, and then give up for good.

    The truth is you put this off for a year, even though you know passing is what is best for your career. You need to take stock for the reasons why whether they be work or family related, because if you are going to successfully pass with such an aggressive schedule you will need to overcome them all without exception each and every time they present themselves as a reason (or excuse) not to study. Your planned schedule is seriously that tight, and is seriously that difficult because believe me life will always find a reason to get in the way.

    I would agree with others that two, maybe three exams would be a much more realistic goal. Even Peter Olinto, national instructor for Becker, recommends a minimum of 2 months study time for FAR – and it took me at least that long to prepare for that exam. Maybe try FAR and REG this year and worry about BEC and AUD later, or take BEC and AUD along with FAR or REG this year and worry about the final one after busy season.

    If you're starting with FAR then plan for a mid August test date and see where you are in a month. If you haven't gotten through at least two thirds of the book then you will be behind, because government and NFP chapters will take a lot of time. If you're not that far along then consider adjusting your schedule, if you take FAR in early October you should still have enough time to fit at least one more in before the end of the year. The important thing is you be realistic with yourself in what you hope to achieve, as I said before the last thing you want to do is to get discouraged trying to meet unreasonable deadlines you feel you absolutely “have” to meet, especially if such deadlines are set by something as trivial as software expiration.

    Double A

    BelowScope – You make a lot of sense. I think the reason I just jumped into all 4 wasn't the best reason, however I think subconsciously I now know that I've paid for all four parts so it should give me a little more motivation. I realize it's only a few hundred bucks and the software will be easy to replace.

    I appreciate the advice you've given and some people have echoed above. I'll start with FAR and see where I am, although I am still not sure what date my NTS will expire yet because that has yet to come.

    I am curious about the government and NFP chapters, maybe they won't take me as long because I do a lot of NFP and a little government work.

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