Advice with sections

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    Help! Failed all four parts last year and am getting back on the horse after a short hiatus. I want to take 2 parts at a time to finish faster but need a game plan. Can anyone help me as to figuring out which two parts are best to study for together?

    Just ordered my materials for Becker and should be starting by next week. Any advice will be appreciated!

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  • #292550

    My advice would be to take one section at a time. I'm not quite sure why you feel the need to take two at a time after failing all four the first time. Were you close to passing any of them or were you in the 50s and 60s for all sections? The consensus advice is to take your hardest section first so you dont start the 18 month window. However, you probably just need any kind of “win.” So if I were you, I would take my easiest section first and study my tail off for two solid months. Listen to the Becker lecture, then do the multiple choice, then move on to the next lecture. You will probably also want to purchase an extra MCQ test bank so you can just do hundreds and hundreds of MCQ. I really would avoid trying to study two different sections at once if I were you.


    My advice is to take Auditing first, REG second, BEC third, and FAR last. Auditing is the easiest, I think. REG is the 2nd hardest. BEC is the 2nd easiest. And FAR is a monster, in terms of material. Taking AUD first will give you confidence. Taking REG 2nd will get one of the hardest exams out of the way earlier. BEC 3rd is for a change of pace after the brutal REG. And FAR is saved for last because you can take your time for this one. The amount of material is unbelievable. The book Becker gives you is twice as thick as the other books!

    What did you study the first time?

    Aud 4/2/11 - 86
    Far 5/27/11 - 83
    Bec 7/1/11 - 82
    Reg 8/13/11 - 86! It's over!!!!


    I agree with Minimorty, take what you feel with be your hardest first. I took Far on July 1 and Just took Aud on Aug 9. I have BEC scheduled for Oct 3 and Reg for Nov 26. If your going to take 2 in a testing window make sure you have more than enough time to study for each section. Like scheduling one as close to the beginning and the other as close to the end as possible. I started studying for FAR in April and didn't take it until July.

    I just started studying for BEC last night and there is a ton of Auditing material being covered again. Same this with Auditing, a lot of material that was in FAR I saw again. With that said, I would suggest FAR & Aud, then BEC & Reg, but what worked for me, might not for you. If your interested you might want to look into purchasing Jeff's NINJA notes I think they are amazing!!!! I highly recommend them, espcially rewritting them. GOOD LUCK!!

    "You must experience failure to appreciate success!"


    I think this is one of those situations that you just don't want to try to rush through. Granted every person is different and has different demands on them aside from the exam, but in the two windows that I tried to take two exams, I passed one and failed one. Then I took one exam the following window and passed. Now I have aud next week and have been studying for over 2 monthsl.

    Sometimes trying to get them done faster only costs you more money in the event of a retake, and the time to pass all 4 works out to as if you had done one per window. Like me.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    @alh – Just to clarify, I wasn't exactly suggesting to take the hardest first. While I said that is generally the consensus, I actually recommended taking the easiest first for him/her just to get a ‘win.”


    Minimorty- Sorry for misunderstanding you. For me personally, I wanted to be able to dedicate as much time as possible for FAR, because I did and still feel it will be my hardest. Since I thought FAR would be the toughest I wanted to take it first, so if I do pass it I will have the full 18 months for the others. Instead of trying to rush towards the end and lose credit.

    I also agree with not taking more than one in a window. If I didn't have to I wouldn't. I'm in the process of purchasing my first house and planning for my wedding in May 2012. Those are my reasons for trying to get through it so quickly. I started studying in beginning of the year but I wasn't able to dedicate as much time and I thought, so I kept pushing off my test. I'm a Fund Accountant, and my first busy season was just draining me out. But it will all be worth it in the end.

    "You must experience failure to appreciate success!"


    alh – I agree that taking the hardest first is normally the right way to go (i took FAR first myself). The distinction I was making was that since the op had already failed all four tests the first time, perhaps it would make more sense to go after the low hanging fruit to gain some confidence.

    Congrats on both your home purchase and your upcoming wedding! Exciting times!

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