Advice on Picking a Review Course

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  • #199207

    I graduated in the summer and took Advanced Accounting and Business Law 2 so I am now eligible to sit for the CPA Exam. I work full time in public accounting so I won’t be able to study much during tax season.

    I am picking a CPA review course this week and think that WileyCPAExcel would be best for me because of its unlimited access (Can start studying before tax season and take the exams after) and some good review. I will also be using a self-study Wiley book for each section, Ninja MCQ, notes, or possibly audio for my 30 minute drive to work.

    Does anyone have any recommendations on whether this is a good approach or if they have anything else they think they can add to my list.

    Any comment is greatly appreciated!

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  • #752997

    Its really up to the user. I first went with wiley cpaexcel and did horribly. One of the biggest reasons I went with them was unlimted updates and they had 20% discount for students. For me it was a mistake, but I've seen a lot of others pass no problem. I eventually went with roger and my scores changed dramatically, sprinkled some ninja notes for far and aud and ninja mcq for aud. For me I just couldn't grasp cpaexcel, too many subtopics for questions that there were only maybe 2 or 3 practice questions for. Meaning wasted time and there were too many professors. What I liked about roger was that he was the only instructor for all four parts. And he teaches in a way of what you need to know for the exam, I think they called it cutting the fat in one of their flyers. But be warned though roger doesn't cover everything.


    If I'm reading your plan correctly, you're going to do your studying before tax season, then take your first exam after tax season and a bit of review. I believe this is a recipe for disaster.

    If you really don't believe you'll have time to study during rush, don't bother. Start studying for FAR when you have 6-8 weeks that you can commit to putting in 20 hours/week studying.

    Just my $.02

    Licensed CPA
    Passed each section on the first try with Ninja Notes/MCQ/Audio


    I think your choice of materials is good. Not sure about the timing. I bought Wiley and have yet to pass a test without supplementing. From what I see on this forum, I think that is the case with every study program…

    Good luck!

    REG -73 (8/2015) 81 (10/2015)
    AUD - 73 (11/2015) 84 (1/2016)
    BEC - 84 (2/2016)
    FAR - 77 (6/2016)


    Does the firm you work at offer a reimbursement for a review course? I would take that into consideration when deciding on a review course.


    @wombataholic I just figured it couldn't hurt to get be studying around 15-20 hours a week before busy season starts becoming too much too handle. And by the time it is over, I would think I would have much more knowledge on whatever section I would be taking first than I would have had before.


    I have been using Gleim because it got decent reviews and had a good price compared to the others. I have no complaints so far. I passed FAR on my first attempt, and I am currently working my way through AUD


    I agree with wombataholic. If you put all those hours in and then take a break for busy season, there's a good chance you won't remember what you went over in the beginning. I just started studying last week and I don't even remember the first section after going back and looking it over yesterday lol.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    If you have time to study before tax season, I say go for it! I unintentionally did something similar for my very first test, and scored a 91. I scheduled my FAR test in July 2015, and began studying in April 2015. I spent a solid 6 weeks studying, and then my sister and niece came to visit from out of town. When they came, I TOTALLY lost motivation to study for a solid 6-7 weeks. Then I picked myself up and crammed it out for the last 3 weeks, and scored a 91. It's not the best approach, but it's not definitively a recipe for disaster.

    I think it worked, because in the beginning I focused on learning CONCEPTS. I did NOT study for speed. If you know the concepts, after a few months you'll remember some of it. Yes, you won't be in top shape for the exam, but it will definitely be easier to polish your knowledge for your final review.

    Motivated by JC. I do it to make God proud.

    FAR: 91 July 2015
    AUD: 83 October 2015
    REG: 81 January 2016
    BEC: 83 February 2016

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