Advice on exam vs extra credit hours

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  • #202682

    Hey everyone,

    This August I’ll be graduating with my accounting degree and 122 credit hours. However, I’m not sure what step to take next. Should I stay in school and work on getting the remaining 28 credits? Or should I try and start some of the CPA exams before the 2017 Q2 changes. If I went the exam route, I would have roughly 8 months to pass before the changes. Also I live in FL and you can sit at 120 (just not licensed until 150). I’m just a little worried about the 2017 exam and was thinking it may be better to take that first since the new exam will more than likely be tougher. Any thoughts or advice?

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  • #780991

    Can you take classes toward 150 and study for/ take exams at the same time? If so, try that. The absolute worst feeling is passing all the exams and still have to take courses to meet 150 requirement (I had to do this). Look into taking online courses. I took a course through UCLA extension, it was 9 weeks to complete, each week there was a discussion post and homework due. there was also 2 open book exams for the course. There are also online courses offered by UNA (they partnered with Wiley so one of their 3 credit courses is just like reviewing for the a portion of the CPA exam) and LSU. Good luck!



    I would recommend passing the exams before you start trying for the credits. You could always take night/online classes while you work but knocking out the CPA is going to take more time and effort. I’m not sure that the exam changes are going to be THAT crazy but I still wouldn’t wait around and end up being affected by them.

    FAR: 80 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    REG: 87 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    BEC: 87 (Gleim, Ninja Notes, Ninja MCQs)
    AUD: 8/27/16

    PA Candidate


    I know in my state (Oregon) you cannot sit for the exam until you have all the credits done. I am studying for the CPA and getting my last 4 credits this summer, I am gonna be ready by September!!!!

    "Confidence is going after Moby Dick in a rowboat and taking tartar sauce with you" - Zig Ziglar
    Ninja book + Ninja MCQ + Roger
    AUD Oct 2016
    FAR Nov 2016
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