Advice, hope and motivation needed!

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  • #194119

    I just joined another71 and am looking for support! I just graduated undergrad and am planning on taking all 4 parts (and passing) throughout July and August of this summer. I am hoping to pass all 4 parts in this window so I can avoid having to study/stress over the CPA exam once I start work at a Big 4 in September. My college offers a “bootcamp” which is a 7 week course that uses CPAexcel to prepare for the exam. They recommend the schedule I mentioned above especially because my particular school has had an average pass rate of 93% on the first time over the past years!

    Although I know I am being thoroughly prepared, I find myself very overwhelmed, stressed out, frustrated and have feelings of giving up, which I know should not be an option! I feel as if I am also suffering from anxiety which is probably just nerves that takes over my mind and hinders my studying and mood. Maybe I am putting too much pressure on myself because 2 months to pass all 4 parts is aggressive, yet it is possible, especially from the results of my previous classmates. We have class and complete 50 multiple choice questions together 3-4 days a week, given BEC 1 week, FAR 3 weeks, REG 2 weeks and AUD 1 week. I feel that class is helpful and gives me confidence as opposed to my long long afternoons/nights of studying on my own.

    Every night after watching 4-5 hours a video after class, we have a 50-60 question quiz. From the past week and a half I have been studying, I am very disappointed in myself with only getting 63-66% on the quizzes. I know that this is a journey and I cannot expect to score 75+ right from the beginning but it is just very nerve-wracking.

    If anybody has words of advice that could benefit my studying as I start this journey, I would greatly appreciate it!

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  • #666207

    BEC 1 week, FAR 3 weeks, REG 2 weeks and AUD 1 week?

    I hope you are one those extremely gifted students to be able to accomplish this task. If you are not, do not be hard on yourself, and change your deadlines if you can. What you have going for you is that you just finished college,so finishing all 4 parts in 7 to 9 months is doable.

    Through God all things can happen!

    “You never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein
    When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people;as I grow older, I admire kind people.
    “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

    FAR= 72-84
    Audit= 73-82
    BEC= 74-75

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