About to tackle FAR….any advice?

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  • #2119284

    Relieved to find out I passed REG, 3 down 1 to go. I’ve left the beast for last and am already trying to plan out my approach. How many weeks/chapters per week is enough for FAR without starting to forget too much from the beginning and having ample time to review?

    Im lucky enough to be able to dedicate close to all of my time studying, although I usually do 3-5 8-10 hour days per week to stay sane. Im using Becker as well and supplement with ninja.

    Any tips and advice is much appreciated!

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  • #2119422

    I would highly suggest reviewing as much as you can as you go along. I used Becker and went through a unit a week. I didn't review while going through, and when it came time for final review, I felt like I had forgotten everything. Made a 45 on my first mock 2 weeks before my exam and had to study roughly 12 hours everyday until my exam in order to feel comfortable with the material.

    Don't spend too much time on complicated MC. I would be sure to understand and know all the concepts first, and then go back and focus on weak areas and details. There were areas I got too focused on details, and during the test there were more general questions I should have known but couldn't remember.

    FAR is a beast but you can do it!


    Thanks so much for the advice. I completely relate. When studying for the previous 3 I found myself overwhelmed and lost when it came time to review. Basically having to “skim” go through the material through a 2nd time in order to even remember basic concepts from the beginning. This took ALOT of my review time just relearning what I already thought I knew. I definitely need to stay consistent with reviewing as I go through FAR


    Congrats on passing REG! First of all The exams are like the lottery it is totally the luck of the exam. I just passed FAR my final section. It took me 3 attempts. First I got a 72, then a 73, and just received a 86. This is crazy because my score went up 13 points and I study the least amount of time on my last attempt. I spent about 180 hours studying for my first attempt and got a 72, I spent about 75 hours studying for my last attempt and got a 86. My last attempt felt harder than the other two but it was more straight forward and not as much just random out of left field MCQ and SIMs. So it is literally the luck of the draw. The problem I ran into studying so much is that you spend so much time trying to study everything and memorize all this information and you literally going to be tested over maybe 10% of what you study if that. I felt like my exam was so heavily weighted on 2 topics that it easily made up 60-70% of the exam. For example I used Becker and I spent prolly 120 hours studying chapter 1-7 and got like no questions over these sections at all, which is dumb because Becker says these are heavily tested sections. All I can say is focus on governmental and not for profit!


    @Accountant405 Congrats on finally being done!! Thats a huge improvement in score I can only imagine how relieved you are. Thanks so much for the advice. I completely agree, its all luck of the draw when it comes to these exams. If you just so happen to get hit with all of your weak areas you're screwed. Its all about the cards youre drawn that day. I left FAR for last because honestly it intimidated me so much and I needed the confidence of passing the others. What you described, trying to memorize and learn every little detail, is exactly me. I have found myself stressing over small concepts and topics and not see one question on exam day, and with FAR having SO much content i cannot put myself through that. So I will definitely keep that in mind to not sweat the small stuff so much and emphasize govt and NFP as i have heard thats heavily tested as well. Thanks again and congrats!!


    I know that people say go through the data , take notes, review, etc. I tried that and it didn't work for me. I failed FAR multiple times before passing. Instead of focusing on checking off boxes to get through some study material, I just started doing ninja MCQs. You can get a detailed progress report that gets quite specific to tell you where you are doing well and where you are not. Once I had done a decent block of MCQs, say 150, I'd look at how I did and determine which areas I was weakest in. I would then focus study on that area. Once I felt a little more comfortable, I'd go back and do an area specific MCQ session, see how I did, and determine if I needed to study more or if I could continue on. If I could continue on, Id go back to taking MCQs, and after 5 sessions of 30 or so I'd check my detailed report again. Wash, rinse, repeat. Once I switched to this tactic I have gone 3 for 3 on exams and probably have used less study time than most candidates.

    Looking at your other scores, you are probably a good student and have seem all of this material before. It will probably come back to you once you are exposed to it.

    Jimmy Dugan

    Just study the same way you did the other ones. Your scores don't indicate someone in jeopardy of failing if you prepare adequately like you have the others.


    Thank you guys, I know I’ve been successful with the last 3 but definitely feel I’ve wasted a lot of time and spent unnecessary hours not efficiently studying and bc FAR is so wide I want to modify my study plan/habits. Thanks again to you all and good luck!!!

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