71 FAR 74 AUD in Q1..Advice needed please

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  • #200660

    Hello Everyone,

    I took FAR in January of this year and failed with a 71 and I took AUD in February and found out today that I failed with a 74.

    What should I do? Should I prep for FAR or AUD to take in Q2?

    Material from both sections is still fresh to some extent in my mind.

    Should I continue prepping for an AUD retake and take it early April and than start prepping for FAR after and take it at the end of May? But the drawback to this plan is that I might forget material from FAR.

    Really feeling down right now as these were my first attempts at the CPA and I failed both.

    Please share what you guys think.


    I am using Becker self study, ninja blitz and Wiley (I am using the paperback version of the testbank)

    Brief overview of study method:
    1. Skim through chapter quickly
    2. Watch lecture videos
    3. Take a lot of notes on what the lecturers emphasize
    4. Complete half HW after lectures half after rewriting notes

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  • #761581

    I would say take a few days off and tackle the one that gave you more of a problem first. (Don't necessarily think the 3 point difference means you are stronger in AUD than FAR becausee the way the AICPA grades these exams are very complicated) I would personally do FAR and just get it out of the way. Whichever one you chose though – you probably won't forget every single thing. You will be surprised at how much you still remember.

    Stay strong and good luck!

    FAR: 78
    REG: 74, 75


    FAR has more material … I'd tackle that beast first. Plus FAR will help with adjusting JE's in AUD. Since your using Becker think of it this way. 10 Chapters of FAR to 6 Chapters of AUD.


    @docholliday how long and how did you study for your REG retake? Received a 74 too and it sucks.

    FAR: 78
    REG: 74, 75


    Was contemplating on purchasing ninja mcq for AUD and doing multiple mcqs nonstop and retaking AUD beginning og April and than immediately start prepping for FAR and test at the end of May.

    What do you guys think? Want to finish before 2017 exam changes.


    I am using Becker self study, ninja blitz and Wiley (I am using the paperback version of the testbank)

    Brief overview of study method:
    1. Skim through chapter quickly
    2. Watch lecture videos
    3. Take a lot of notes on what the lecturers emphasize
    4. Complete half HW after lectures half after rewriting notes


    Is your plan to prep for AUD by doing a bunch of questions and then your prep for FAR to basically start all over? I'm assuming this because of the distance between beginning of April and of May. If so, I think that will work as well. Good luck,

    FAR: 78
    REG: 74, 75


    I would prepare and take AUD on or around 4/1 and then prepare and take FAR on or about 5/31. It is not like your scores are way off so pound every MCQ and SIM for each. Your scores show you already have a decent grasp.

    B Passed
    A Passed
    R Passed
    F 8/31/2016



    I only studied a week and a half for my REG retake. REG I really understood well and I only studied 2 weeks for the 1st attempt. On that first attempt I got hit with Corp AMT sim and reconciling an m-1 to m-3 sim (Which is nothing btw just temp and perm differences but I didn't know cause of my short study time). But AUD was so hard for me and I took 2 or 3 months and FAR was the same. Different parts are harder for different people.


    @docholliday Oh wow you crushed lol. That's nice to hear though. And congrats btw

    FAR: 78
    REG: 74, 75


    Forget about betting which one is harder. They are all very hard.

    Since you just came out of AUD, reset and dive back in to it. Do 5,000 MCQ, take a lot of notes. Don't go back into video lectures or the book. Just immerse yourself into Ninja MCQ and pass this exam. Then come back to FAR.

    I failed my first two exams for BEC, with a 74 and then a 72. I moved on to REG and failed that with a 71. I kept on with REG and passed with an 82, then went back to BEC and nailed it with a 77. I still failed AUD and FAR once each before passing. But I managed to do it all within 15 months fortunately.

    Whatever you do , don't give up. Figure out how to win.


    I would take AUD at the beginning of April as Lost suggested. You just took it. It should be freshest in your mind, so 3-4 weeks to review and go back over any areas where you felt you could have been stronger should set you up for a good score. It also makes studying via lots of MCQs easier IMO, since there won't be anything you've completely forgotten.

    Then you have almost a month and a half to prepare for FAR without the distraction of AUD-specific material.


    Thank you so much everyone!

    I will am planning to take AUD once again in the first week of April and FAR retake at the end of may as many have suggested.

    What I think I have most problem with (for both FAR and AUD) are the SIMS. Whats the best way to prep for SIMS in your opinion guys?

    You guys have definitely motivated me to keep chugging along. Much appreciated.


    I am using Becker self study, ninja blitz and Wiley (I am using the paperback version of the testbank)

    Brief overview of study method:
    1. Skim through chapter quickly
    2. Watch lecture videos
    3. Take a lot of notes on what the lecturers emphasize
    4. Complete half HW after lectures half after rewriting notes

    Steve Brule

    I would take FAR first because it can help you on the audit exam. I also think you could benefit from making your own flash cards and reading the textbook more in depth instead of just skimming through it. Good luck!

    FAR - 86
    AUD - 99
    REG - 88
    BEC - 08/29/2016

    For your health!

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