45 Years Old & Still Trying

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  • #203654

    I’ve been taking the exams off and on since 2007 and I finally passed Auditing with an 83. I have since taken Regulations twice and each time scored a 73.

    Auditing expires in January 2017. You know the rule, if I don’t pass the other three exams before Auditing expires, I start over.

    Am I wasting my time? I have two years accounting experience as a Revenue Analyst. That experience was gained over 8 years ago. I’m 45 years old. Who will hire me in the event I eventually pass all four exams?

    The money I’m spending on the exams and the time spent studying could be spent enjoying life?

    What are the chances at my age, with my experience and with my license to practice accounting of getting hired? If, I am hired, will the benefits outweigh the cost?

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  • #786606

    What do you mean at your age? Unless you're exceptionally lucky you've got 20-25 years (nearly half your professional career) ahead of you. What you make of those years is what you need to decide.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    There are people who are above 50 and passed all the sections. You definitely have chance to get hired and practice. Work hard and put all your effort in it. YOU CAN DO IT.

    What was the difference in AUD preparation compare to REG? How much time spend on studying?

    FAR: 71, 77!
    AUD: 69, 80
    BEC: 72
    REG: 84


    we all struggle. for me it is getting hired to obtain the experience required.
    as for the exams i was determined that my effort would not be the impediment. so i set a goal and got them done. i didn't dabble. i set a schedule. i woke up early, i stayed up late, i never saw friends or family for the 10 months i was in buckle down mode. shit happened i dealt with it and got right back on track.
    i used ninja books and mcqs. i googled. i youtubed. i engaged with study groups on this forum.
    has it made me rich or popular? not hardly but that was not the point. i had been in IT a long time and chose a different field. it is what i want so i am getting it. passing the exams has given me a sense of accomplishment but there is more for me to do so i keep at it. this is the work i want to do.
    what do you want? whatever it is, go for it.

    FAR 7/25/15 76!
    AUD 10/30/15 93
    BEC 2/27/16 82
    REG 5/23/16 88!
    Ninja Book and MCQ and the forum - all the way!!!
    and a little thing i like to call, time and effort!
    if you want things to change, you have to do something different


    Thank you all for the encouragement. I was looking for a way out and you didn't give me one, so back to the books!


    Pshhhh. Age is just a number that is irrelevant to passing these exams. I have gotten a BSBA in accounting, an MBA in accounting and am on my last exam- all after 40. One of my mentors said – you can be over 40 with a degree or without, it is your choice. The same goes for the CPA designation. You got this! 😉

    B | 62, 78
    A | 73, 67, 79
    R | 82
    F | 59, 59, Waiting

    Ethics | 93

    "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
    ~Winston Churchill

    “In a world full of critics, be an encourager."


    I spent more time studying Reg than Aud the second time around which was June. The last two days before the exam I went through almost all of the MCQ's. This time around, I'm focusing more on the simulations, but will try to work all MCQ the last two days before the exam.


    Well Psiluv12, join the club…pick one, over 40, strugglers, daydreamers, you name it. Many of us have been and is where you are, with the same questions, and the same reasons to get out, but as was said on the Espys tonight, NEVER GIVE UP. I take reg (again) tomorrow. I don't feel like I am ready and probably won't pass, but I am determined to not give up. Why drive 2 hours to fail is beyond me, but not trying is even worse than failing. So don't worry about how many times you have to re-take or how long you have to study, the end result is CPA. Those three letters is why we try again. Oh and I am 51. Why didn't I go this when I was younger? well go figure.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    It's a no brainer. The CPA exam costs only $800 – cheaper than auto or medical insurance for most people. Consider it a monthly expense.


    When you decide to pass the exams, you will pass the exams. You came that close to passing REG? I'm sorry but you have to keep going lol! Who's going to want to hire you once you pass the exams? Depends on your networking I guess but CPA = more options, period. Do the benefits outweigh the cost? I think getting your CPA is one hell of an accomplishment and is worth sacrificing a little fun for. Go hard and get it over with!

    FAR: 89 5/14/16
    AUD: 99 6/09/16

    Becker Self Study


    You will never be younger than what you are right now for the rest of your life, so just do it now. And just you know to take a CPA exam in Japan, it costs me around $500 each. I've spent over $3,000 for failing 3 times and passing 3 times. You can do it!!

    Just do it.

    REG - PASSED(75)
    FAR - PASSED(85)
    AUD - PASSED(83)
    BEC - PASSED(82)


    I'm 47 and have 1 section left (hopefully). I didn't get my MBA or 150 hours until I was 45. Time passes one way or the other. Where you are after that time passes is the only thing you have control over.

    FAR 04/11/2016 - 84
    AUD 05/12/2016 - 79
    BEC 07/06/2016 - 81
    REG 08/29/2016


    After 18 months of grueling nonstop studying I passed at 47. I was juggling a full time job and two kids. It. Was. Awful. Hang in there. You CAN do it. It WAS worth. Don't give up! Good luck!


    I like the answer dear abby gave the guy that wrote in and asked “I would go back to school, but it would take me 10 years to finish, and then I will be X years old. Abby answered “If you don't go back to school, how old will you be in ten years THEN?”

    Go for it, you'll be better off. Take it from a 59 year old that still is trying to pass his first exam


    I think there are several members on this forum that are fortyish, I do not see that as an issue. In fact, I have found that I am more focused and driven now than when I was in my twenties, just my 2 cents 🙂

    "Confidence is going after Moby Dick in a rowboat and taking tartar sauce with you" - Zig Ziglar
    Ninja book + Ninja MCQ + Roger
    AUD Oct 2016
    FAR Nov 2016
    BEC ?


    Most private employers would hire you if you meet just the following:
    1. CPA (no one cares about your scores or when did you get your License)
    2. Public Accounting Experience (even if it is just 2 years). Some employers may be ok. if you don't have this experience.
    3. Software experience (industry specific or just MS Office especially advanced excel).
    4. A well prepared resume (essential). Lean and direct to what they are looking for. Recommended to have different versions.
    5. and of course you must ace the interview (honest with a touch of performance).

    Anything else is a plus.

    My employer hires people regardless of their age. They hired an accountant (staff position) just a few years ago and he was over 50. It is illegal to discriminate because of age.

    So…think positive!!!

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