3rd Exam Trap?

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  • #1732434

    Hi all,

    So I just found out on Thursday that I passed FAR and that now means 3 down. While initially I was super excited about passing, now I’m starting to dread the fact that I have one more left. I feel like I’ve worked so freakin hard already, I’ve lost time with my wife, family, and friends, I’ve had to sacrifice a lot just to pass 3, and the thought that I have to do this again makes me feel exhausted. I have REG left and I need to pass it by January 2, 2019, so my current plan is to focus on tax season (didn’t feel great to go straight from FAR to busy season hours, ugh), then take the rest of April after busy season to see my wife and remember what she looks like. Then, starting May 1, I’ll be studying for REG which I’m currently applying for and hoping to take July 3. At a previous firm I worked for, I remember so many associates talking about the 3rd exam trap, where they’d pass 3, but be so exhausted and ready to be done, they wouldn’t study as hard for the last one, and wouldn’t pass it in time and would lose credit for an exam, and suddenly they’d have to take 2 more. I’m curious, has anyone on here experienced the same trap? And if so, what did you do to overcome this trap? Just looking for advice on how I can find that same motivation I had after I passed my first and second exams.

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  • #1732449

    Well the good news is you work in tax, so you have some tax experience which will help a great deal with REG.
    I would urge you to buckle down and attempt to sit by June 10th so you get that score release by the end of June.
    If you sit July 3rd you have to wait until the end of September to see if the misery is over, and then you only have one more shot before they start expiring.
    Give yourself a few chances just in case. Buckle down and get it done. 6 weeks should be enough time for REG. I did it in 6 weeks, 110 hours, most of which came after the Dec19th score release, test Jan 18th.


    Hey man, get it over with and you will have plenty of time to spend with your wife, friends and family. It's such a short sacrifice, encourage them to hang in there with you. You got this.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    Literally we have the exact same path and feeling. I was just going to start a topic with this. I am already losing motivation and have REG for my last one scheduled April 11th. I DO not work in tax though (go Audit) so I am a bit nervous for this one. It is so hard to focus as I was so stoked to get 3 down so far. I have till January 3rd so just like you! Good luck we got this. @Nate


    Mark me down as another on the exact same path. I have 3 down and only REG left to go. I was having all the same thoughts as you after I passed the last exam. I also have a wife and almost kid that I am tired of having to leave constantly to go study. Then when I would go study it would be unfocused and waste of time, because I am over it. Also a lot of kicking myself for not saving BEC for last. That all faded once I scheduled the exam date though. Having the date looming makes it easy to follow the program that worked for the last three.

    It sounds like you have a decent plan, so just don't let up in May. Like most things in life, its a lot less daunting then it seems once you commit to it. Good luck when you start prepping.


    Same boat here, 3 down and Reg to go. My first score (FAR) expires March 2019. This seems like it gives me time but I don't take that for granted, and also, like all of you, I'm just over this test. I'm scheduled for June 8th (right at the end of the window). It's a little while out, but busy season, a 2 year old + a baby on the way due April 29th so although I am sticking to my regular study plan, I know I will need to make up some time in the last month or so.

    As tiring as it is, the fact that it's the last one has me motivated to complete it. I would have scheduled REG before BEC but wanted to knock out a 3rd one during busy season and kept reading that REG is second to FAR in terms of amount of material/difficulty, and since I passed BEC I don't regret it. That being said, after AUD &a BEC, this one's already a little tough to start with. Best of luck everyone!


    Thank you for the advice Recked and Tncincy, after reading your posts, my wife and I talked last night and decided to follow your advice. Waiting til the end of September to find out is too long, especially since I was also promised a big raise by the partners at my firm as soon as I’m a CPA, so I should work on that ASAP! We also want to have kids fairly soon (I hear their expensive, in fact more expensive than the tax benefits they provide) and the raise will help a lot with that. But it’s best to just work hard and get it out of the way. My wife also said I better finish the essay to meet the 7 core competencies as well as the ethics exam immediately after passing REG cause I’ve hear people procrastinate on that too (I hate essays too, I’m dreading that). But thank you so much for the advice, as soon as busy season ends, I’m going straight to REG!

    As for the others in the same situation as me, glad to know I’m not alone! Honestly just seeing your posts and knowing I’m not the only one suffering this motivated me a lot. We all got this and I’d bet we all pass REG whenever we each take it and will finally be done with these awful exams! I’ll continue to be on this forum occasionally and hopefully I’ll see all of your progress you’re all making towards REG, it’ll be nice to feed off of the hard work for others to motivate me to study hard for REG! Good luck!

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