3 Weeks till FAR. How should I study in the home stretch?

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  • #1530798

    This will be my first exam, and honestly, due to work, I haven’t been able to do many MCQs lately. I’m wondering how I should approach the final review here with Roger/Ninja MCQ. Essentially, I feel okay about the first four chapters of Roger, but next 27 (especially Government and NFP) is a whole nother story.

    Would it be best to attempt to re-write notes while cranking out MCQs at the same time? I’m 250+ questions into NINJA MCQ and I’m not sure how long it would take to get to the review phase. Is it important to get to the review phase to know for sure which items I at least have a grasp on?

    Sorry for all the questions!

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  • #1530832

    Pretty much in the same boat as you..I'd be interested to hear what people do with reviewing for FAR considering how much material it has…


    Hi, Turbo. I'm not familiar with the review systems you're using, but I hopefully what I have to say is useful for you. With three weeks left, identify your strong areas and keep them that way with light review (select SIMs and MCQs). For your weak areas, identify which ones you can realistically get comfortable with in the time remaining and give them the lion's share of your efforts for the next two weeks. For those topics you know you cannot master in the three week period, resign yourself to a high level of understanding.

    For me, I had a terrible time with pensions and partnerships and struggled with PAR value TS acquisition. I had a couple of weeks left to revisit pensions and just knew I didn't have enough time to master them (I mean c'mon – pension accounting is its own pit of fire). On the other hand, I thought I had a good chance at nailing TS acquisitions. Partnerships still evade me. Anyway, with that said, I put the majority of effort in the topics I thought I could realistically handle and kept current on my strong areas. It's the approach I used, maybe you can adapt parts of it to your needs.

    Best wishes to you, Turbo.

    FAR: 80 (10/28/2016)
    AUD: 85 (2/6/2017)
    REG: DSIT (Dragon Slayer in Training) (5/2017)
    BEC: DSIW (Dragon Slayer in Waiting) (7/2017)

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