18 months

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  • #179096

    Hello to all, I was wondering if someone can assist me with the following

    I have passed two sections of the CPA exam, one of them is FAR , which expires the 31 th of October 2013.

    I’m scheduled to take BEC on August 31th, and scheduled to take REG the 31th of October, I have taken both parts various times ans came up short, now let’s suppose I finally pass both parts, and I get the REG passing score during November, Can I still be certified as CPA or would I still have to take FAR even though I took REG on October 31th ( the exact same day FAR expires)?

    Please advice

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  • #428616

    Pretty sure you're ok, but if I were you I'd move REG up a couple of days. It would be horrible to lose your credits because of one or two days.

    B: 75
    R: 80
    A: 77
    F: 81
    Ethics: 84, 92 and done!
    Licensed in California


    Thank you, I'm gonna take that advice , just to be safe

    FAR – 73,70,78

    AUD- 66, 76

    REG – 54, 63, 71, 73

    BEC – 64, 64, 67


    I have a similar problem!! Audit expires for me on January 2, 2014. Obviously the testing center will be closed on January 1st in observation of New Year's Day. Does anyone know for sure if I take my last exam that I'll need to pass (hopefully it doesn't come down to this because I plan on passing REG this month and FAR in Oct/Nov) ON the 2nd, when my other exam expires if I'll be ok????

    Also – the ethics exam…does that need to be passed within the 18 month time limit as well? Or can it be taken once all 4 sections are passed even if it is after 18 months from passing the first?


    Becker self study | Becker flashcards | Gleim | self written notes | WTB

    AUD - 74, 75 Passed! (Expires 1/2/2014)
    BEC - 78 Passed! (Expires 2/6/2014)
    REG - 70, 70, 72, 74, 76 Passed!!
    FAR - 72, 66, 69, 67


    Florida Candidate. I had emailed them about this very same issue.

    “We hope this e-mail finds you well. Assuming for the sake of argument that FAR is the only test you need to pass, and the expiration of AUD credit is on August 3. 2013, so long as you sat for and passed the last section/ FAR before AUD credit expires, you will pass the Uniform CPA Exam. Even if the score comes later, as long as it passes and your scheduled the exam prior to the expiration of the AUD section expiry of 8/3/12, you will pass the entirety of the exam.”



    novatrek86 – so that email seems to mean you have to take the last exam the day BEFORE the other one expires, right?

    “and your scheduled the exam prior to the expiration of the AUD section expiry of 8/3/12, you will pass the entirety of the exam.”

    You can't take it on the exact expiration date?

    The ethics exam is not part of the 18 month window.

    B: 75
    R: 80
    A: 77
    F: 81
    Ethics: 84, 92 and done!
    Licensed in California


    Well if that is the case for Illinois as well, I'll be screwed since December is an off month. Unless prometric is open on New Year's Day, I won't have a chance to take in January. Did you email the state board directly, @novatrek??

    Becker self study | Becker flashcards | Gleim | self written notes | WTB

    AUD - 74, 75 Passed! (Expires 1/2/2014)
    BEC - 78 Passed! (Expires 2/6/2014)
    REG - 70, 70, 72, 74, 76 Passed!!
    FAR - 72, 66, 69, 67


    You cannot take it ON the expiration date, in any state. The score EXPIRES on that date. It's not “the date before the day your exam expires.” That's why it's called the “expiration date.” If your score expires on 10/31, then as soon as it becomes 10/31, your score is no longer valid.

    In New York (and probably some other states), this is a non-issue because exams only expire at the end of the quarter. I passed my first exam in May 2012 and it wasn't scheduled to expire until December 2013, which is 19 months later. In New York, it's 18 months from the end of the window in which you passed, not 18 months from your pass date. Exams only ever expire on 3/31, 6/30, 9/30, and 12/31, which aren't testing dates anyways so there's no confusion.

    NY CPA


    NY always did think outside the box. But I like your explanation and like NY's system. No ambiguity.

    In CA, and I think many other states, the expiration date is exactly 18 months after you took the test.

    Ex-NYer here. 🙂

    B: 75
    R: 80
    A: 77
    F: 81
    Ethics: 84, 92 and done!
    Licensed in California


    If in NY it expires at the end of a testing window. Doesn't that mean you could potentially have one less month to pass? Meaning 17 instead of 18? My first exams expires 6/30 and I think I have only 17 months to take the exam instead of 18. Is that correct? Is there a way to push up the expiration date one day?

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