What order to take my remaining exams?

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  • #1508542

    Just found out I passed BEC today (woo!), what order would you all recommend I take the remaining 3 exams in? My NTS just expired so I need to figure out which exams I can feasibly take within the next 6 months. Thanks for the input everyone.

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  • #1508590

    I think you can take all 3 exams in the next 6 months if you have kept studying after your finished your last exam.

    I would start with audit because there's a decent amount of overlap between audit and BEC, then Reg, and lastly Far.

    You'll find your results for Q2 in August and you can then finish far off and customize your schedule again.


    I think I may do just that. I know a lot of people wouldn't want to take FAR last since, but I feel if I can pass the other exams first, I can force myself to put in the extra work needed knowing that it would be my last exam.


    @fsufan82 I totally agree with you. I took mine in this order – A, B, R, F. Since I tend to beat myself up about everything I can't even imagine failing FAR first and still wanting to continue with the exam. The amount of material alone made me cry the first few weeks of studying and that was after knowing I had passed the first 3 on my first try. Plus, all of the stuff I learned along the way helped me in FAR, even if it was just for a few questions it still mattered, I'll take any help I can get! In my opinion though, REG and FAR were a lot more overwhelming, I kind of wish I had taken a different exam in between FAR and REG to give my brain a break. If I were you I would do REG, AUD, and then FAR, but that's just me!


    You actually wouldn't know if you passed the other two before you take FAR. Because you wouldn't find out about any until August

    Passed all 4 parts of the CPA exam!
    License application in progress

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