Time Benchmarks for the New Version

  • Creator
  • #1524108

    Now, each of the 4 sections of the new CPA exam has 4 hours of testing time.


    Here are the suggested “time remaining” benchmarks at the end of each testlet:
    The format is hrs:mins.
    Start – 4:00 (4 hours 00 minutes)
    End/1 – 3:15, End/2 – 2:30, End/3 – 2:00, End/4 – 1:00, End/5 – 0:00

    End/1: End of Testlet 1 (MCQs)
    End/2: End of Testlet 2 (MCQs)
    End/3: End of Testlet 3 (TBSs); this is the point where candidates can take a 15-minute break without worrying about the clock running
    End/4: End of Testlet 4 (TBSs)
    End/5: End of Testlet 5 [TBSs (or WCs for BEC)]; the end of the test

    The suggested times include reviewing MCQs, TBSs, and WCs (especially flagged or troubled or difficult ones); careful reviewing can maximize the test score.

    Candidates can finish the earlier testlets faster (especially MCQs) so that they can have more time on later testlets (especially the now-harder TBSs). This “fast first, slow last” strategy is encouraged; candidates can get ahead of these benchmarks (recommended – up to 30 minutes ahead, not too far).
    Alternatively (mostly not recommended, though), candidates can finish the earlier testlets slower than the time suggested (e.g. End/3 – 1:45) but they may need to pick up the pace on later testlets. This “slow first, fast last” strategy is generally not recommended.

    The average time of all MCQs per section by using these suggested benchmarks is:
    AUD: 1 min 15 secs; BEC: 1 min 27 secs; FAR: 1 min 21 secs; REG: 1 min 11 secs

    Candidates can variate the time per MCQ, especially on the skill level assessed per MCQ.
    Generally, R&U (Remembering and Understanding) MCQs can be finished in less than average.
    Generally, Application MCQs are longer (more words, bunch of numbers, calculations required, longer answer choices, etc.) than R&U MCQs, so Application MCQs may be finished in greater than average; candidates can finish the Application MCQs in less or greater than average, as long as they stay on track (or get ahead) of the suggested benchmarks.

    Candidates use their higher-level cognitive skills on TBSs. This kind of brainpower takes them longer to complete the TBSs than in the old version.
    In the old version, candidates took, on average, 10-20 minutes on each TBSs and WCs.
    In the new version, TBSs are more important than before, so they take about 15-30 minutes (depending on the type of TBSs); they now weighted (scored) at 50% (35% for BEC’s TBSs).

    The suggested time to complete each type of TBSs is:
    Regular TBS: about 15 mins; Enhanced (Longer) TBS: 25-30 mins; DRS: 25-30 mins; Research TBS: up to 15 mins; WC: 15-20 mins

    Candidates are encouraged (but are not required) to increase the time for the now-harder TBSs by completing the MCQs faster. This is the “fast first, slow last” strategy.
    – For example, candidates can do the MCQs at an average of 1 minute. Different sections have different numbers of MCQs now.
    AUD: 18 mins; BEC: 28 mins; FAR: 24 mins; REG: 14 mins
    Candidates can use these excess minutes to allocate more time to the now-harder TBSs (and WCs for BEC).

    Candidates can, and are advised, to put the suggested benchmarks in one of the noteboards. They also can, and also are advised, to put the times that they submit each testlet for tracking time and planning for the next testlet(s).

    Candidates can use up all 4 hours to complete all testlets to finish the test. They can finish earlier in the final testlet (Testlet 5) but they have to use the excess time to review and to accumulate more points (especially WCs) in the final testlet until the time runs out. Once the time runs out, the software auto-submits the testlet (and the whole test) and saves all the answers.

    TIPS for Improving Test Taking Speed (and Accuracy for Correctness of MCQs, TBSs, and WCs)

    Candidates can improve (or maintain if they are fast already) their test taking speed (and accuracy) by:
    – Gaining and understanding more knowledge in the accounting courses and the CPA exam review through learning concepts, taking notes, doing questions, and quality studying & reviewing.
    – Practicing questions (MCQs, and also TBSs & WCs) in the CPA exam review. Candidates do enough (or all the) questions and getting them correct. They must understand (not just memorize) these questions; this can improve the efficiency (and effectiveness) that candidates tackle the questions and utilizing Analysis and Evaluation in TBSs more wisely. Practicing on research and writing is as important as practicing questions.
    – Getting valuable advices from CPAs, CPA (exam) candidates, CPA exam passers, professors, study groups, forums (including A71), CPA exam reviews, AICPA, NASBA, CPA exam info websites, and other accounting members & professionals.
    – Getting familiar with the format and functionality of the CPA exam by going through tutorials and sample tests.
    – Being good test takers, and getting good or excellent (or perfect) scores every time during their college days (and beyond).
    – Liking accounting as their favorite subject, and getting good or excellent at accounting courses.
    – Gaining more knowledge through work experience and/or teaching (or tutoring), especially most recently.
    – Getting out and graduating from college most recently (within 6-12 months preferred) while the accounting concepts are still fresh.


    ^ The bottom info is optional, so you don’t have to read if you don’t want to. ^


    This is DEFINITELY NOT recommended.
    It will be used as a LAST RESORT if candidates are in this dire testing situation.

    Here are the “danger” benchmarks:
    End/1 – 3:00, End/2 – 2:00, End/3 – 1:30, End/4 – 0:45
    End/5 does not show since candidates can run up all the time remaining in the final testlet (Testlet 5).

    Candidates can panic when they are getting behind of the suggested benchmarks (mentioned in this topic before).

    When the time remaining reaches any of these “danger” benchmarks (or when less than 5 minutes are left in the final testlet and candidates do not yet fill in most of the answers), it is better for candidates, immediately and quickly, to make best guesses (first instincts) and to fill in answers in all MCQs, all (some may be left blank only if instructed) boxes in TBSs, and all blue lines in DRSs; then leaving them and moving on to the next testlet immediately (unless they are in the final testlet). They may have to do this again in subsequent testlets.


    Best of Luck for the CPA candidates taking the new version, beginning on April 1, 2017.

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  • Author
  • #1524141

    Oh lord, I'm f****d LOL

    The people at the AICPA who came up with the idea to overturn the old format of the exam so drastically are no people that I would ever want anything to do with. It almost seems like a conspiracy. The version of the CPA exam that they themselves took was nothing like the one they want to lay at everyone else's feet!!! haha Ohhhh welllllll……I think they're going to see a lot more revenue (retakes) with the decreased pass rates. There's no way that the average pass rates (between 40-50 percent in the past) will stay the same. Unless they don't require candidates to do very well on the much-harder version, and still pass. Or maybe they'll curve the exam since they are making it more difficult?


    I actually think the first wave of new format guinea pigs will have an easier time as they figure things out. I'm tenpted just to take a section again and see.


    What the eff did I just read? This sounds like madness. I've been waiting to see how I can gauge my time taking FAR, and this did not help by any means.

    REG - 77 (will lose in Jan 2016)

    BEC - 67 74, 75

    AUD - 56, 70, Will try again 🙁

    FAR - ??

    Save the beast for last.


    I thought this is taken from NASBA site till I read “forums (including A71)” LOL
    Wonderful.Good guidelines.


    @cessnapilot30 yes I fervently hope so. I wish I had time to do BEC during Q2 as well so I could get in on the low standard/developing standard for passing for BEC as well as AUD. I'm sure they are expecting that most people are not going to perform as well on the new version. But, they will never discuss anything about it in the future, it'll all be a big mystery. Hateful. But, all we can do is just roll with it. While I doubt you could take any more sections of the CPA exam since you're already done, you should take one of the online practice exams and see what you think.

    I really don't have time to think about those guidelines on or before exam day. Basically, the goal is no different from any of the previous exams – just give yourself enough time to finish it. If you can't answer a question, skip it and move on, and “go where the points are.” Come back to it if you inherently feel you have time to, before submitting the testlet. But once you start drilling down to “minutes/seconds” spent on the questions….that's messed up, and yet another example of how the AICPA likes to mess with everyone's brain. If I sound pissed, rest assured I'm not, but if you pay to take a test, the test should be do-able even if it's difficult. The format and set-up of the exam should not psych people out. That's unfair. If they think that the new version of the exam is going to turn out more quality CPAs, they are sadly, sadly mistaken.


    What cessna model do you fly?


    Well, after taking FAR today and REG not long ago, I can vouch for trying to work through the MCQ's as quickly as possible, but this seems a little doom and gloom. Everyone is crying The Sky is Falling after the exam change. I feel it, too… but don't get too paranoid and crazy. Allow yourself 2.5 hours or so for SIMs. Getting wrapped around the axle for time per question will probably add to your anxiety.


    Most of this is very good advice. I have so much trouble with time management with the way sims are split up now. It's like my brain knows what it SHOULD do (don't spent do long on one if stuck, don't be a perfectionist and check everything a million times, move on move on move on) but my body and brain in the middle of testing just does not listen. I keep making the same time management mistakes and never feel comfortable with the time left I have for testlet 5 (where I keep getting the hardest sims). I hope to have learned my lesson now after 2 exams … hopefully next ones, I successfully manage time for once…

    did you feel the REG sims on the exam were comparable in length/time needed/support docs to sort through as the FAR ones? Not sure if my question makes sense — just trying to gauge if the sims for REG require similar time as FAR. I have seem that they may be even worse than FAR sims? What was your take?


    @GWS CPA you are awesome .Loved the details.


    I pretty much entered the danger benchmarks expect I went 50/50/50 then I don't remember but I did end up having about 9 mins left when I submitted. I think I must have nailed the 5th testlet. 4th and 5th testlet both had Regular SIMS with JE's but were both difficult topics that were lightly touched upon in the study material. Hopefully one of those was a pretest question.


    @GWS CPA ,can you please elaborate “higher level skills” ? Which book or review courses will help to fly this new format Boeing 747 ?


    Higher level skills


    Thanks @Anthony


    @xyz107 – sorry for the delay! Personally I thought the REG Sims were just slightly worse. However, I'm weaker in REG so that may be part of my reasoning for this? I believe REG had slightly more documents to sift through, per SIM, on average. I allowed myself about 10-15 more mins to do the SIMS on FAR and was happy I did.


    @BBHYX: Congratulations on passing all sections! Awesome that you cleared all 4 sections in 2 quarters especially 3 sections in Q3 & that too with the new exam! Good Luck!

    Please share your study methods & tips.

    FAR - < than 75, 10/2013, 2/2015
    BEC - < than 75, 10/2013
    AUD - < than 75, 8/2015, 1/2016

    ~ Winners fail until they succeed. Losers quit when they fail. - Robert Kiyosaki
    ~ I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me.
    ~ Something will grow from all you are going through. And it will be YOU.
    ~ Right now you may not be where you intend to be, but it's where you need to be in order to get where you want to go.

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