Super DISAPPOINTED – 49 then 48 on BEC - Page 2

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  • #1519473


    So first things first – I have been studying for BEC the last 4 months. I first took it late 2016 and got an 49. I took it again few weeks ago and just received my score of 48. I am very frustrated – I studied anywhere 6 to 15 hours every single day. With a total of 100 or so hours. Basically, I wasted 100 hours. I used NINJA ( I got 63% from 72 hours total. I studied almost more than half questions on NINJA.) and also used Wiley CPA Excel – I also used

    I work full-time, so studying more than 8 hours is impossible on weekdays. Please keep in mind I never read the Wiley CPA BEC Book. I did a lot of multiple questions and understood most concepts.

    My question to every dear viewer of this thread:

    What advise do you have and what study material would one use, especially with the new tough revised BEC effective April 2017 knowing that one barely made 48 and 49 on BEC.

    I am very frustrated/disappointed/demotivated/sad/angry.

    -Rayan Ali from California

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  • #1519696

    @Rayan – yes I read the book and watch the videos and you should be doing that too, on whatever review course you have. Or, if you dont' want to read the book, then do the audio version.
    If you don't read the book, it means you're missing out on explanations of concepts and things that you don't yet know well. So, I'd start with that before doing any MCQ or SIM practice problems.


    Honestly, if you use Ninja, make sure you get into the habit of using the progress report after each session. Try to make it through the course once in its entirety (aka assessing), and then target your weak areas, to become more comfortable with that material. There is no right or wrong approach to these exams. Some would say study sims, some would say read the book, some will say watch lectures. In the end, at least for me, all 3 of those were arguably a waste of time (I do believe in flash cards/ninja notes though). You will be more than likely cranking through MCQs in the final stretch aka review/cram mode anyways, and that is when you learn the most. You have to find out what works the best for you.

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)


    @tncincy Reading the book first, then millions of MCQs, reading book and then millions of MCQS seems like a solid option. It's about understanding and remembering.


    @trele6 No that's not rude. It's being realistic and truthful. I definitely need to prepare and study harder.


    @BrickellCPA That is by far some solid advice. I will definitely try to master each and every single NINJA BEC question.

    The cost accounting questions can be a little tricky/time consuming. What would one do to get better at Cost Accounting questions?


    @Nath before taking my second attempted BEC in which I got 48, I did the NINJA practice exam a couple of times. I will emphasize more on it now, though.


    @cpatroll77 Cool. What would one take notes off – the book or the reason why one got the question right or wrong?


    @allergic2mornings That's good. I've taken note of your 4-day strategy; it may or may not work for me.

    Thats some great and helpful advice. I will never give up. I used Wiley Excel Test Bank – Which test bank would you recommend?

    @crazyleon Yeah I need to read the book. Thanks once again.

    @mtaylo Reviewing NINJA is definitely crucial. The problem is new revised BEC will focus less on MCQ's. I think reading the book will be more important now.


    I have Wiley as well so I will start off with that then Ninja MCQ.


    I don't mean to sound like a troll but 6-15 hours for 4 month does add up to 100 hours.

    On the other note, I am on the same position. I can't seem to pass BEC, because I don't have any accounting experience. I have received 65,67, and a 73 with studying through MC only, I am planning to change my strategy and read the book and listen to the lectures to actually understand the material.

    shawn in VA

    BEC is one of those exams they can throw any curve ball at you. The sheer amount of foreign IT questions tested in Q1 2017 was absurd. I have never seen any of those questions in Roger or Wiley test bank.

    I just found out I got a 74 and if I had just got one or two of those IT questions I would have this one passed


    Read. The. Books.

    AUD: 98
    FAR: 95
    REG: July 11, 2016
    BEC: August 8, 2016


    I could not have passed BEC without reading the book-some sections I read multiple times on top of listening to the lectures multiple times (the COSO framework and corporate governance lecture in Becker is probably the best-love Peter Olinto and I listened to it at least 3 times!). Ninja MCQ as a diagnostic tool and a review tool is probably the best $47 you will ever spend! You have to do each question at least once and then go over your weak points until you can wake up in the middle of the night and recite anything and everything! Good luck!


    Read each chapter, take notes on each chapter, do all the MCQs for each section until your eyes bleed, and repeat this process while refreshing the material you've already learned along the way. Try to learn something new everyday, I used to get in trouble when I'd just reinforce what I already knew. Its important to keep expanding your knowledge on the material but still reinforce what you know, its a tender balance. Don't think of it in terms of “I need to study 100 hours for this exam” – throw that idea out the window and just study until you're sick every day. Its not about about counting study hours, its about learning the sh*t enough to pass the tests.

    FAR - 80
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    REG - 85

    ETHICS - 90
    Application for California license mailed 8/4/2016


    Shawn in VA,

    I have to agree with you. I failed BEC in Q1 2017 and had a similar experience. I used Rogers and didn't see those topics at all in review material. I don't understand why would AICPA put questions on topics that don't cover by CPA review courses. I mean how the heck candidate supposed to get an understanding of various IT topics that they never learned.

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