Should I start studying on Dec 11th, or wait until I get the results?

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    I took AUD, and REG this quarter, and I’m taking BEC on December 9th. I will get all three scores on the 19th. I don’t know if I’ll pass or not. I kind of want to start studying FAR after I take BEC, just in case, but maybe I should just keep hammering BEC MCQs since that is the one that is more recent.

    After the craziest summer and fall I’ve ever had, the lack of sleep, stressing over questions, I think I would feel guilty taking 10 days off and then failing. It would feel like I wasted 10 days.

    What have you done while waiting for scores to be released?

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  • #1674065

    I will have taken two exams for the 19th results. I plan on taking my exam on the 7th and then studying very minimally if much at all until Jan. 2.

    My thought is this: why study for another exam if you're not 100% sure you passed the first one's? I believe it's better to study and retake a failed exam rather than study a completely new exam. You'll remember more info from the failed exam the quicker you retake. Also, everyone deserves to have a great Christmas and New Years celebration without worrying about exams. So I'm going to be taking a couple weeks off no matter the results. Good luck to you.


    I'm going to cut back to a manageable 2 hours a day, and start watching some REG lectures until the 19th. Work is pretty slow this time of year for a tax guy, besides the year end questions and planning.
    If I get 2 fails I start over from scratch with FAR on Dec 19th to sit by end of January.
    If I pass FAR and fail AUD I will start over on AUD on Dec 19th to sit by the end of January.
    If I pass both I will continue on with REG and hope to sit by the end of January.
    Upward and onward. The sooner you progress the sooner it will be over. Once I start something I can't stop. Tax season will be my break (unless I pass REG, then I'll be hooked and burn the candle at both ends.)


    My goal is to pass all exams by the end of the Q2 testing window. I took far on 11/29, and don't exactly have a warm and fuzzy feeling (who does, right?). I have chosen to continue studying. I am not waiting to get my score. I will continue to study FAR until I get my results and will assess my situation from there. I have heard people say that FAR will carry over into other exams, so I do not think it will be a waste of time even if I do pass.


    When is busy season for you? I work in tax we are slow through Jan but once Feb comes I won't be studying, I want to focus on job performance during tax season and really put 100% into that. I took FAR 10/23 and BEC yesterday. I plan to take a few days off then start studying AUD so that I can take it before tax season. If I weren't planning to take 3 months off of studying I'd probably just wait till results come out to start studying. It's likely you will benefit from a short break anyways and taking a week off won't hurt you long term. Because of my planned break I don't think it matters if I start restudying something I possibly failed how or in 4 months. I likely failed FAR and passed BEC so I haven't seen far material in over a month already.


    If you want to keep studying, try to look at those items that are televant to either exams.

    For example, I just took AUD and I’m not totally sure of my result. I changed my plan to take BEC next instead of FAR. So now I’m reading through a lot of IT stuffs and possibly will soak through ratios next. Both are relevant to AUD and BEC.


    I say go while you have a momentum and valid study materials. Believe me it is harder to start again, than it is to stop and switch.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    I took BEC on 11/30 and am pretty sure I failed. I started re-studying on 12/1 so that I can retake it in mid-January, before tax season starts. I don't want to get out of the study habit, it'll take too much to get back into it.


    I am receiving both FAR and AUD scores on 12/19 as well; was supposed to take FAR and receive my score in September, but Irma happened so my initial exam was cancelled and was pushed to Q4 in addition to AUD. I am not feeling great about FAR (September and into October were rough for obvious reasons) and will start reviewing again around the 15th or so for retake in late January. Going to prepare for the worst and hope for the best! Whoot!!


    For my first 3 exams, I had the same 10 day wait as I took it always at the end of the quarter. I only took one exam per quarter, and never studied while I was waiting for my score.

    My personal opinion is to try and rest and recharge. If you go for months and months with no breaks you WILL get burnt out. I would try and do something fun and take your mind off studying for at least a week. I think it is much easier actually to get back into good studying after taking some time away to rest.


    @tygolfer just curious what is MDS CPA Review like? Never heard of it 🙂

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