*Scratch Paper* ?

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  • #1397036

    I have never taken a CPA exam so wanted to know if they give you scratch paper to work out the problems. I always have to summarize a problem and write down the main points on scratch paper before I can start working on the calculations but if we are not allowed scratch paper then I will have to train myself differently.

    DO they provide scratch paper for you to work problems?
    Is there an unlimited amount you can ask for? ..because I will need it.

    thank you

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  • #1397042

    They provide you with 2 double sided erase boards with an erasable marker, but you aren't allowed to erase anything. If you need more, you hand in your two boards for two new boards


    I'm assuming this is all standardized…

    You get 2 laminated pieces of paper and a marker. If you raise your paper, they'll bring you a fresh one.

    I've found that the exam usually requires far less scratch paper than the sims. I think I only had to get extra “paper” once.


    Just a hint. Make sure your markers work before starting the test. Mine are always dried up when they give them to me haha.


    uhhhhhhhh…….i get headaches from those markers……


    Another hint also; you get 10 mins to login and begin your test. I usually spent 2-3 of those minutes furiously writing notes about things I feared I would forget on my scratch pad to return to later in the event I got a question on it. Things like Mnemonics, formulas, rules, etc.

    First go at the CPA! Only using Becker
    Reg / Nov 2015 - 87
    Far / Apr 2016 - 79
    Bec / May 2016 - 80
    Aud / Aug 2016


    Also, you might want to ask for a fine tip marker when you get them. I ended up with two broad tip markers for one of mine and I couldn't read anything I wrote.

    I also write down my time splits at the top when I start so I know at what time I should be moving on to the next testlet. It keeps me from getting bogged down by a tricky question (I generally allow myself 90 seconds for each MC question.). Then, I write the actual time down below the split so I can see how much time each one actually took me. It helps me determine if they got progressively harder.


    I feared this as well when I took my first exam. Surprisingly the questions don't require as much notes as you would think. I just passed my fourth exam earlier this month and I have never had to ask for extra scratch paper.


    I never used more than 1/2 of one of the marker boards I've been given


    I didn't use the paper much at all either. Calculator (MCQ) works very well. And you could use Excel in SIMs.

    FAR 72,67,79 (Roger+Wiley test bank)11/15
    AUD 80 (Roger)10/15
    BEC 80 (Roger)4/16
    REG 63,78 (Roger+Ninja MCQs)5/16


    @trele6 – I just took an exam and the prometric staff said no writing anything on the scratch paper until I enter the launch code.


    Some good hints/tips in this thread, here's another: request a handheld calculator before you start the exam. I find the computerized calculator hard to use and inefficient.

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