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  • #2892327

    Hey guys, i passed my last section of the exam in december and now the only thing in the way of me and cpa license is the additional 10 courses (30 credits)…or is it?? i’ve heard they are working on making changes to the initial path to cpa licensure that will be voted on this summer 2020. possibly changing the cpa exam in ways or making the 30 extra credits be in a specific concentration. does anyone know if this will affect people who have passed the exam but have not received the license yet??? i plan to start courses possibly in september 2020 but haven’t decided what to take them in whether they’ll be random classes or maybe MBA. please let me know what you think. thanks!

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  • #2893725

    I believe you misunderstood what is being proposed. I am not seeing changes to actual education requirement but instead to testing itself. What is being proposed is everyone will take for example FAR and then depending what accounting you want to practice, you will test specifically in that section. Basically they are trying to make CPA multi level license and make you more specialize in the field that you want to practice. It will be similar the way EA works, you take 3 exams specifically on taxes being it's a tax license. If i misunderstood what is being proposed, i am sure someone will correct me.

    Being you already have passed your exams, you will get general CPA license.

    Biff Tannen

    Pop bottles … party with models. You deserve it!!


    What do you plan on doing between now and September?


    @Silent thanks for clearing that up, i did read in an article that requiring specific additional education would be a possibility, hopefully that doesn’t happen though


    @Vbmer i’m about to head into tax season and then have some vacations planned for the summer, i’ll also be looking for new work after tax season, something that offers better salary and tuition reimbursement


    i dream to one day be in your shoes! i cant pass one let alone four


    Instead of an MBA, I would find a cheap MACC to get. It's just a checkbox for you, anyway. Most schools aren't going to allow you just to take courses to fulfill your requirement because they want to pump out degrees.(And make the extra tuition money) So, that's my advice. You may be able to find a cheap MACC that will waive your GMAT requirement due to your work experience, which would be great since you've really already suffered enough passing the CPA exams. Good Luck!!


    @Thunderlips just keep going at it everyday even if it’s just an hour on some days. believe me when i say i’m no genius, it just takes that consistency. i used wiley to read each lesson and did the mcq and then when i went through all that and nailed the mcq, i went through all of ninja mcq and took notes on all the questions i got wrong or guessed on, then i would read through my notes and retake the questions i got wrong and questions i flagged. really try to understand what they’re asking you and understand why it’s right and why the other three choices are wrong. i failed my second exam just using wiley, that’s when i integrated ninja into my study and that really prepared me for the next three. you got this!


    @Deon, your comments make no sense. On what planet is an MBA the same thing as a MSA/MAcc? And since when do colleges not allow you to take credit courses as a non-degree student? In the context of getting credits towards the 150 hours, there is absolutely no problem. Thousands of future CPAs do it every year.


    @vbmer What do you mean my comments don't make any sense? With a Master's in Accounting, it's an automatic qualifier for your extra 30 hours that you need. If he can find a school that will allow him to do that as a non-degree student, then god bless him, but really give this some thought… what would the school really benefit from doing that? They are losing tuition money. Plus, a master's just looks better on a resume. Most states have made it very difficult these days to get your hours without a master's. I don't know how recent your experience or info is, but I can tell you in the last 5 years, that's what I see.


    @Deon The school benefits by him paying for it? There are many schools that will let you take college courses if you pay for them. Also, a CPA license far outweighs any master's degree on a resume. Not a single state requires a master's degree.

    Don't go into debt for a master's degree to get your CPA license. It's not worth it.

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