Old and New Content Outlines for BEC

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  • #1519354

    Comparison of Old and New Charts of Content Areas

    Old (O) and New (N)
    Roman numerals are not used; instead, Arabic (regular) numbers are used.

    OLD Content Areas

    O1: Corporate Governance

    O2: Economic Concepts and Analysis

    O3: Financial Management

    O4: Information Systems and Communications

    O5: Strategic Planning

    O6: Operations Management

    NEW Content Areas

    N1: Corporate Governance

    N2: Economic Concepts and Analysis

    N3: Financial Management

    N4: Information Technology

    N5: Operations Management


    BEC has reduced its number of areas from 6 to 5.

    O1 is N1, O2 is N2, O3 is N3, O4 is N4, and O6 is N5.

    O5 moves for N1 for Enterprise Risk Management, N2 for Economic Strategies, N3 for Financial Risk Strategies, and especially N5 for budgeting and long-term strategic plans.

    O5, O6, and N5 contain managerial/cost accounting concepts.

    N1, N2, and N4 increase their percentages at about the similar amount.
    N3 has decreased its percentages from O3 because the financial formulas from BEC are covered in AUD for analytical procedures and FAR for financial statement analysis.

    Each of the new content areas has a 10% variance (17%-27%), just like the skill level percentages.
    Like AUD (did not mentioned in a previous post), BEC had a 4% variance for each of the old content areas.
    Now, the variances are wider for the new version.

    NUMBER of Areas, Groups, Topics, and Tasks for Old and New Outlines

    Areas: 6 for old; 5 for new

    Groups: 24 for old; 18 for new
    Topics: 49 for old; 20 for new
    NOTE: A group without a topic does not count as a topic itself.

    Tasks: 63 for only new because the old outlines did not show the tasks within each group or topic

    Since the CPA exam is in the new version, the number of groups and topics for each area of the old outlines are not shown below.

    NUMBER of Groups, Topics, and Tasks for each Area in the New Version
    N1: 3 Groups, 4 Topics, 10 Tasks
    N2: 3 Groups, 2 Topics, 7 Tasks
    N3: 3 Groups, 2 Topics, 17 Tasks
    N4: 5 Groups, 6 Topics, 15 Tasks
    N5: 4 Groups, 6 Topics, 14 Tasks
    TOTAL: 18 Groups, 20 Topics, 63 Tasks

    NUMBER of Tasks by Skill Levels for each Area in the New Version

    Remembering and Understanding: 6
    Application: 4
    Analysis: 0

    Remembering and Understanding: 1
    Application: 4
    Analysis: 2

    Remembering and Understanding: 4
    Application: 4
    Analysis: 9

    Remembering and Understanding: 3
    Application: 12
    Analysis: 0

    Remembering and Understanding: 2
    Application: 7
    Analysis: 5

    Remembering and Understanding: 16
    Application: 31
    Analysis: 16

    All of the new content areas have greater importance of Application than before.
    Application accounts for 50%-60% as the highest skill utilized in BEC; of this, 10%-20% are in BEC’s WCs. Analysis and Evaluation (for example, thought process) are not utilized in WCs because this is cost-prohibitive and time consuming to administer.
    N2, N3, and N5 have Analysis because they have calculations on them. Analysis is also added because TBSs are added to BEC for the very first time.

    Best of Luck for the CPA candidates taking the new version soon.

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