LOL just took REG. Is the 4th testlet difficult dependent on the 3rd MCQ one?

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  • #1376136

    I just took REG. 3 testlets were sorta the same difficulty but they were all hard for me. The SIMs weren’t as bad but is the SIM testlet difficulty based on the MCQ testlet performance? If that is the case, I might’ve gotten medium difficulty-medium-medium and medium SIM.

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  • #1376150

    I believe the sims you get are predetermined the moment you launch the exam.

    BEC- 94
    AUD- 8/9/16
    REG- 10/15/16
    FAR- 12/3/16


    My understanding is that sims have no relation to the prior three sections and are consistent for everyone; I don't think you can use them as a data point.

    I didn't notice my questions getting harder in far or audit, but I did feel it in REG and BEC. The bottom line is you really don't know what counted, what didn't or how many points it was worth.

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