GMAT harder than CPA Exam? - Page 2

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    I have been out of high school for 12 years. I decided to to take a break form the CPA exam to study for the GMAT for 2 weeks. It has been horrible, I don’t remember any of the content, all of this stuff seams so foreign to me I don’t know how to study, Plus im thinking about putting my cat down to sleep today, witch adds to the horror. I don’t know what to do, I think I am just going to take the GMAT and see what happens….? Am I the only one who thinks the GMAT is harder then the CPA? Studying for this has given me so much motivation to finish the CPA, its unbelievable…

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  • #1744203

    First off, I doubt that any top school would accept the CPA instead of the GMAT.

    The following comparison is for accounts taking both tests:

    I'm echoing others here – it all depends on your goal. one more thing to note here, English is not my first language, which makes the GMAT significantly harder for me, both because I don't know all the math terms, and I'm not good in English language logic I guess.

    If you are planning on a 720 – 750 score in the GMAT Its likely that you need to study in a structured matter to get the score, and you have to be smart too!
    If you plan to use your GMAT score to be accepted in a program with low standards for accepting students, then you can probably wing it, or pass with a limited amount of studying. Unless you are really smart, you will never get a 700+ score with a limited amount of studying – at least I won't.

    For the CPA exam, you don't really have to be smart, and if you know the material from school and study a bit – with some luck, you may be able to pass with a limited amount of studying – But that does not mean that you know the material very well – which may hurt you along the way. But if you want to use your to brag your way into a big 4 after college – that will certainly serve its purpose.

    I aced the CPA, but never was able to ace the GMAT – Hopefully, I will when I study for it in the near future…

    Good luck!

    Passed And got my license too ..


    It was always sort of funny watching business majors in actual academic courses…they couldn't read.

    I went to either the #1 or #2 accounting school in the SUNY system. It was pretty close between Albany and Binghamton ranking for accounting back when I went, but Albany was closer with slightly better winters.
    It was always interesting to me to watch the kids flunk out of accounting, so then they went to finance, if that didn't work they would drop to business in general and if that didn't work they would kick over to sciences like English Lit, Psychology or Sociology. All of those degrees I consider worthless unless you are getting either a Masters, or PhD.
    It was a progression I saw over and over again.

    SUNY New Paltz (closest SUNY “university” to me) will accept the CPA as a Macc or MBA waiver, but they are not a participating school for the AICPA PhD program.


    Gonna have to disagree and say the average kid flunking out of business school has about 0 chance of getting through a major like English Lit. The only thing that might go a step lower is something like education/elementary ed. Sociology is even a stretch for most of that type. The average english lit student will crush the GMAT with a minimum of prep…they may be taking classes that “human resources professionals” don't value, but it's a smarter kid. Personally I'd argue that says more about our culture promoting “certified human resource professionals” over actually smart kids that can think than it does the value of liberal arts.

    As far as the GMAT…I'm biased, I'm good at standardized tests like this that focus on “general” intelligence/test taking ability. The CPA is harder because it tests several different skill sets, general ability AND specific knowledge. I could see how that might be different for a non-native, and I'm always amazingly impressed by folks that pass the CPA in another language.

    Most business schools have MBA programs that accept CPA as waiver…even supposed good ones. The simple reality is that “MBA” implies no standards and a whole lot of them are dumb as rocks and practically illiterate. I've met some lawyers that I thought were stupid…I've met some dumb CPAs…but the intelligent MBAs are the exceptions in my experience.


    It's been years since I have taken the GMAT but I don't recall seeing any SIMS so I would say the GMAT is easier 🙂 However, seeing your score immediately after taking the GMAT is a plus over the CPA exams.

    @ Recked I used Princeton and thought they did a great job, I just didn't put in the effort. AICPA PhD program??…Nice! Maybe I should dream bigger than just the CPA lol

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