exam simulations query

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  • #1624526

    I would like a detailed clarification as to the task based simulations for the new 2017 exam.
    for example audit, as the beginning of the becker book mentions, there are 2,4 & 3 tbs’s with the given amount of time.
    I wish to know how many inner tabs or individual question tabs does each of these approximately contain since there is no info available about that.
    The sims after every unit in our software have 7-9 tabs for each simulation.

    so i would like a clarification if these 2,4 & 3 tbs’s is referring to 2,4 & 3 individual questions respectively or else a number of questions contained within them.


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  • #1624571

    All exams are different, so all SIMs are different as well. I think the breakout for the new AUD exam is 2-3-3 questions per testlet. After the first testlet of 2 questions, you get an optional 15 minute break and then come back for the last two testlets, each consisting of 3 questions. The questions can be all over the place though. You'll for sure have a research question, where you look up the source for the answer in the authoritative literature. Other questions can be document review simulations, where you are sifting through several documents and select a best answer. There are enhanced SIMs, where you sift through documents but have to come up with your own answer and key it in. Others can be just questions with drop down answers.

    So to answer your question, it varies. There are usually multiple questions within one SIM, but every SIM is different.


    What @curlygirl1213 has written is similar to what I encountered during my 2017 Q3 exams (4 sections).


    I would recommend doing an AICPA practice test to get a flavor for what SIMS might look like…


    I believe the breakdown for the simulations is 3 testlets that consist of 2, 3, and 3 whole questions.
    There is no way of knowing the number of inner tabs/questions per testlet as you might end up with the same sims as someone, but the order is likely to change. You might have a research in SIM testlet 1 while someone might have that same question in SIM testlet 2. Trust your gut and manage your time efficiently.

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