Exam Order?

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  • #1642471

    Hey guys,

    I’ve posted on here before about my exam order, but now I’m starting to rethink it. I originally had: 1) REG, 2) FAR, 3) AUD, 4) BEC.

    I’m thinking about changing it up and doing: 1) FAR, 2) AUD, 3) REG, and 4) BEC.

    What do you guys think? What was your order that you took the exams?


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  • #1642486

    Any order u prefer, it doesn't matter
    I started BEC,REG and now AUD then will take FAR the last


    FAR-> AUD sequence is preferable ,other than that it doesn't matter.


    1) FAR, 2) AUD, 3) BEC, and 4) REG. First or last for REG.


    I think that is a good order. That was almost my original sequence before I started doing all my retakes and such.


    I would suggest FAR-AUD-BEC because of the overlap topics.. REG you can do before or after that order but it would be better if you take it last.


    1) BEC 2) FAR 3) AUD 4) REG

    I took REG last because I'm in tax and felt I had a good chance with it.


    I'd recommend REG, FAR, AUD, BEC because you'd knock out the two biggest first, AUD after FAR is very helpful and BEC has some overlap from AUD and FAR. You could also move REG to last since it's the most unrelated to other sections. The order I went in was REG, BEC, AUD, FAR. I wanted to get REG and BEC done before the 2017 changes and save FAR for summer. Not the best order but I did just fine.


    Consider that the last exam may come with severe burnout from studying. It did for me. I'm very glad I did not do FAR last.

    I also echo REG | FAR | AUD | BEC

    There's enough in AUD from FAR to make that the right order and BEC with its COSO and many other matters makes it very logically after AUD.


    i think it all depends on your strengths/weaknesses. Many folks say do FAR first, I personally wanted FAR last so I had all the built in motivation of having 3 passed to study my ass off for the last one.

    I wanted to start smoothly for my first ever exam take, so I took REG first since its in my wheelhouse. Didnt want to start out and get crushed by FAR and get dejected. I took BEC next because I only had a 4 week window to study before tax season and wanted to knock another one out. That gave me 16 months to study for and pass AUD and FAR, and so far AUD down and FAR coming up in Dec.

    The best advice I can offer is be mindful of when you take tests and what the next 18 months look like. I wish I had picked when to start my 18 month count down a bit better. If I dont pass FAR for some reason in December than I have to retake in Q1 and Q2 2018, and I'll be heavy in to tax busy season for the Q2 window and some of Q1, AND the rev recognition changes kick in.

    Figure out your strengths/weaknesses and your 18 month window and make a plan customized to you rather than what order folks tell you here. Most peeps will have a different suggestion since they are telling you what worked for them.


    I have FAR last. I did BEC-AUD-REG and left the best for last. Passed the other 3 so even though I am burned out, I am also extremely motivated to pass this in 2017!


    Thanks for the input guys. Just a little background, I'm in public so with tax season right around the corner it'll be difficult to study for FAR. Plus, I'll be a dad come January.


    I have been out of accounting school for almost 6 years now so for me, more material = more difficulty.

    I am doing a sequence of FAR, BEC, REG, AUD. FAR was first to get it over with, then BEC came next to give me a little morale boost. BEC isn’t anywhere near as bad as FAR (if you don’t underestimate it), so it was a good exam to take after I was sure I failed FAR. I take REG next week, and I’m more worried about REG than AUD even though I work in tax. I’m more of a conceptual learner so I have an easier time with conceptual tests like AUD.


    Starting work full time and looking to get some exams knocked out planned on doing FAR first but since I took AUD and got a 73, Im up for a retake Oct. 30, then BEC Dec.9 I'm gonna do REG over christmas break and if all goes well take the exam before I start my new FT Job in January then im gonna tackle the beast FAR.

    For me, I just want to feel like I'm making progress in this journey to keep at it. I wanted to do FAR first, like most recommend but if I did I'd use OCT-DEC-10th for FAR only, and start a new job with only 1 exam (hopefully) passed. I prefer the possibility of passing three then starting my new role, than just one – even though its the longest.

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