Do they just want more money??

  • This topic has 10 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #1503279

    Hey guys!

    I have the Roger CPA program and I just bought it in December 2016. I’m taking my first exam next week *crosses fingers*. Roger is currently having a “50% off sale” for the “new” materials. My program will automatically update online but the books will cost $300.

    Do you think it’ll be necessary for me to purchase these items?? I thought the CPA exam content was going to generally stay the same but the format of the test will be administered differently??

    hmmm can someone please help me make a decision?! because I really love reading out of the book….


    “I’m tried of spending money on Roger”

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  • #1503297

    I did the exact same thing. As in purchasing in late November. I refuse to give them anymore money. They added the changes on the website and you can print out what would have been in the 2017 version. Hope this helps!


    @AshleyL. ok, I was hoping I wasn't the only one feeling the same way.


    I don't think it's necessary to spend the extra money on them. You can print out the updates to the text and just write them into your old book. I'd rather spend that extra $300 on other supplements like Ninja mcq or audio.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    Just download the 2017 Roger book updates and print them out. I don't know about AUD, BEC or REG, but there we're maybe ~35 pages of updates for FAR. I also prefer a bound book but spending another $75/section seemed a little unnecessary.

    B - 77 (2.27.16)
    A - 81 (4.18.16)
    R -
    F -

    Roger Review + Ninja MCQs


    Thanks for the feedback guys! I'm going to print out the pages instead of purchasing another set of materials. I'm not sure if anyone has heard of the company LambersCPA but I've been using their program as a supplemental guide. I kind of wish I found out about Ninja before I bought LambersCPA.


    Something Becker is cheaper at. I re-purchased updated books from Becker and i think it was only $15 or $30 per book.. Cant remember the exact amount, but the website basically said it was to cover printing costs only.

    First go at the CPA! Only using Becker
    Reg / Nov 2015 - 87
    Far / Apr 2016 - 79
    Bec / May 2016 - 80
    Aud / Aug 2016


    I think I remember reading in my Roger contract that they offered free downloads of the textbook updates. I haven't looked for those though, on my course dashboard.
    The textbooks, no way, I am not buying them again even for half off. Don't worry about it though. I don't think they're much different than the ones you currently have.
    The course has not changed hardly at all, with the exception of a few updated videos with new stuff (which he has indicated are new videos.)


    I agree with everyone else. Just download the updates instead of spending more money.

    So you said you just purchased the review course in December right?
    Were you not given the option to select what material you wanted? I know I attended a Roger Phillips speech in November and he mentioned that you could decide what material you wanted. He even said you could mix and match, as in one section in the old format and three in three new.


    @GSD512 I'm so relieved that I'm receiving a lot of feedback on this topic. But yes! I purchased it in December. I don't remember if I had an option to choose the new or old material. I'm glad I can use both.


    That's SO WRONG! Shame on Roger CPA! I've also had some problems with Becker. It seems like the Review Courses will pinch you for every penny you have!! Super unethical.

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