Am I the Only One….

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  • #1636813

    Who actually reads all of the pages in the text, answers all of the MCQ’s/Sims, and watches all of the lecture videos? I ask because I have looked around on the forum and some people have finished 2-3 sections in a single testing quarter (on their first attempt of the section)? Are they skimming/only focusing on certain parts? Or am I just moving too slow?

    – Thanks for the replies.

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  • #1636829

    @SuperCPA – my 1st time studying a section, I watch the videos, do the MCQ and read the whole text (I don't always complete all of the SIMS). On the retakes, I re-read the book and work as many MCQ's as possible to identify my weakest areas, then I focus on those. The only test I've passed the first time was FAR, and I watched all of the videos with Wiley, did all of the MCQ's and some SIMS. I spent about 14 weeks from start to finish on FAR. Some would argue that it was too much time, but it worked for me.

    Try not to compare yourself to others, it can be discouraging, especially if you've been out of school for a while and/or work full time. Work at a pace that you're comfortable with and that is enabling you to learn that material. You'll get through this!


    I did lectures and a little over half of the MCQs for each test. No reading, note taking or SIMs and I didn't have any fails but everyone is different in what works best for them.

    I don't think however my strategy would have worked for FAR if I didn't work in private accounting closing books on a monthly basis.


    Almost exclusively MCQ's and SIMs (skimmed through the books as well). Wiley gave us a little booklet that was summary of the book and I would read through that while I walked at the gym. Couldn't sit through the lectures and didn't feel like taking notes was beneficial.


    For each chapter in Gleim, I read the chapter, take the diagnostic quiz, do all the focus questions, watch videos on topics I don't understand, take the practice MCQs and sims until the review system tells me to move on to the next chapter. Between chapters I will create my own practice quizzes comprising of all previous chapters to stay fresh on the material. More importantly I will spend time understanding why I got MCQs or sims right or wrong to evaluate how well I know the material.

    I took FAR and AUD Q3. I'm not skimming. I pretty much only work, sleep. study, and eat. I occasionally do something to get my mind away from the exam, but it seems when I do, I stress about not studying. Trust me, it sucks and I am more than ready to have it over with.


    I recently just passed 3 sections in one quarter and my strategy was to watch the video lecture, read the section text, and take that section MCQ quiz. I also did all the diagnostic and post assessment exams. I used Wiley and spent about a month of studying for each section. I rarely went back to re-study the materials unless I was doing horribly on the practice questions for that particular material.

    I would say the part that helped me the most was constantly doing the practice quizzes on my free time (from the Wiley app) and doing multiple mock exams right before my actual exam came up (1 or 2 days before). Just doing these helped me apply what I learned and also help me acknowledge pitfalls/traps (trick questions) that I kept falling into, which I avoided when I took the actual exam.

    Everyone learns differently and you shouldn't just rush through it if you don't feel comfortable with what you learned. These exams are not a race and it best to take your time and be fully prepared than run through the materials and be under-prepared.



    I am taking my Audit for the first time. I haven't taken the date yet. But due to some personal issues, I am compelled to take Audit in Oct. I am presently just going through Roger videos and text.I have to complete Roger and ninja MCQs and sims. Is it possible to finish Audit within a month? What should be my strategy?



    I did it all. I wanted to be overprepared for each and it worked well.


    MCQ's, sims, and practice exams I did everything. The book, haha, yeah I only dove into the book if I was struggling in a section–trying to read that much would just lull me to sleep.

    FAR - 78
    REG - 72,74,71...please just go away REG nobody likes you!
    BEC - 82
    AUD - Aug 16


    Yup, I am pretty much doing everything-i don't read the book word for word, but I do end up reading sections I am weak on by the end.


    some people are smarter than others.. I could not pass 3 in a window but know some that have

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