74 for 2nd Time (BEC) – Need Advice

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  • #1609572

    I just checked my score for BEC and received another 74. I finished FAR, and am currently getting ready to sit for REG on the 8th. Should I try to cram study for BEC and schedule Q3 as well? Or would I be better off to just focus my efforts into REG, and tackle BEC and AUD Q4? I do not loose any scores until July 2018, but I feel paranoid as that date seems to inch forward fairly quickly when you consider the no retake in same quarter policy.

    Any advice would be much appreciated!

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  • #1609613

    Just my two cents – you should press on with REG full focus, since (I assume) you're pretty deep into that material and have almost completed studying. Then go back and re-study and re-take BEC in Q4. You don't need 1 more point to pass BEC, you need 75 more points.

    It would suck to cram BEC for the purpose of just to fit it into Q3, and not pass again, or to take your focus off REG and have that one go not so well.


    @smithadamw thanks for the feedback, that is what I think my plan is. I have too much time invested in REG at this point to risk it over a likely ill prepared BEC attempt. I will completely restudy BEC in Q4. I don't understand my issues with BEC but you are totally right, I need 75 points not 1.


    I got back to back 74s not BEC Q1 & Q2 2016, so I empathize. Do you feel that you have good command of the material? If you feel that you can squeeze in BEC in the last couple days of the Q3 window then I say go for it… worst case: out $200 and have to take it in Q4 anyhow. With BEC I am just not sure that more study time equates to a passing score (when you have gotten 2 74s)and Q3 is typically the most favorable window for passing, statistically. Obviously you want to study everything through before the exam, but you more than likely have enough knowledge to get a 75. I ended up getting an 80 in Q3 πŸ™‚ and it was my last exam.

    Good luck.


    My first sentence should say 74 on BEC in Q1 & 2 πŸ™‚

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