2nd Quarter 2017 Changes – Test Expiration Question

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  • #1401065

    I noticed in 2Q 2017 we will have a longer wait time when it comes to getting scores back as we will not be able to get score until 10 weeks after the end of June.

    I have one test expiring early in the window in the first week of April. If I am able to sit before the expiration date and find out eventually that I pass, does my passing score mean I finish or will I have to retake the test since we won’t get scores back until August?

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  • #1401071

    The date you receive credit is the date you sat for the exam so you would be fine.


    Yes, if you sit for the exam before the expiration date & pass it will count.

    BEC - 77
    REG - July 2016
    FAR - Oct 2016
    AUD - Nov 2016


    I'm rooting for you. Trying to get BEC done as it's 5 days until test day. Audit is scheduled 2 months from now. So long as you take the test on a day before the your credit expires (and you pass) you're covered.

    If you expired in the 1st week of Q3, took it in Q2 and failed, the long grading time would prevent you from taking it before the Q3 expiration. In that case – your state board will review your situation on a case by case basis and maybe grant you enough of a time extension for one last shot (because they ate your time while grading).

    My first one expires in March of 2018, but it still sucks. Anyways, this is what I heard from nasba talking with them over email…


    Hey Ayodele, I saw your REG post in the viewing party, Congrats! Figured maybe I could catch you in here. What did you do to boost the REG score so much, I'm testing in a few weeks. All advice is greatly appreciated


    Hey Ayodele, I saw your REG post in the viewing party, Congrats! Figured maybe I could catch you in here. What did you do to boost the REG score so much, I'm testing in a few weeks. All advice is greatly appreciated


    Hey wakefaren58, I did just past Reg! Id say what really helped me go over the top was spending alot more time on tax than business law. last time I took reg, I was told that Business Law should be focused on since it is a decent chunk of your score. I did very well on Business law but didn't spend enough time fine-tuning my understanding of tax last time. ID say the major two things that helped me was Ninja Audio and Becker Final Review.

    Ninja Audio for REg helped me alot in the mornings and evenings. My commute is fairly long so I spent time while driving and a few days at work focusing heavily on the tax portions of the audio. THe business law is great as well to help get some basics down.

    BEcker FInal REview really helped bring my final review together as well. I think if you already have Becker, it is worth the extra money to pay for it. SIMS SIMS SIMS! THe Becker Final REview had some great sims for reg that were similar to what I faced on exam day. People say skip sims but I think they are important for REG. REason is I feel that if you are able to practice sims for reg you are able to develop endurance when you are getting through questions and trying to find ways to best make use of the authoritative literature. I did about maybe 15 sims the week before my exam and finished up the final review questions.

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