2017 Score Release – yikes

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    I just started my CPA journey 7 weeks ago and I take FAR January 9th. I’m already stressing out about the FAR exam and then taking BEC 5 weeks later in February. I knew the CPA exam was changing and educated myself on the changes but what I didn’t realize was the delayed score release. The two exams I had planned to take in April/May will hang out with the AICPA until August and I will have to wait 4 months to know if I passed those exams. My heart fell to the floor when I realized this is going to go on for a minimum of 9 more months. In a snap decision this afternoon I decided that I was going to study for and take Audit in March (2 weeks after I take BEC) because at least then I will only have to wait that long time for just one exam and have time to find out where I stand on the remaining exams. I can’t sit around and pout about this because I have FAR in 9 days and I need to study every free minute I have (Thank you NINJA MCQ’s) Anyone else doing crazy things (like deciding two months ahead of time you are going to take audit and only study two weeks for it?!) to get as many of these exams done before April as possible?

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  • #1402458

    I have been considering taking AUD, FAR, and REG all in the first quarter in order to avoid the delayed score release. I can’t stand thinking it will be August before I know if this is all over or not! The more I think about it though, the more I am leaning towards only doing AUD and REG this quarter, skipping the 2nd quarter completely and taking FAR in July. That way I will get my score at the end of July, and yes it is only a few weeks before the August Q2 score release, but at least I will only have to wait a few weeks to find out my score instead of four months!


    @habitualprocrastinator93 did you create a forum on that topic a day or so ago? I remember reading that thinking “Whoa that person is crazy” Haha! Now here I am, the crazy one. I can’t believe they are making us wait that long! But it’s my own fault for not paying attention to that ahead of time. I’ve been out of college for 3 years and have absolutely no reason why I didn’t start studying until now. So I can’t let this delayed score release diminish my drive because I’ve been waiting 3 years to muster up the discipline to study for these!


    The worst part is that the timeline eats up a big chunk of the 18 month window. I plan on taking FAR and REG in Q2 (unless I fail BEC and AUD). Either way, that wait is gonna be butal.


    I really think the AICPA should try to figure out a grace period of some sort for the 18-month window. The wait until August is ridiculous and if you're pushing your window, that could be the difference between a credit expiring or not. It's really not fair that we have to wait that long with our time running and not knowing whether or not we will have to start all over again on studying.


    @scared_cpa I totally agree. I have FAR & REG left and I work full time and will not be able to actively study again until April/May. With the score release how it is for 2017 it could mean the difference of losing both my AUD & BEC credits 12/2017. I just don't understand how they can justify this. If I take FAR & REG in Q2 (which would almost be impossible for me) I will still have to take time off from work to study while I wait for my scores to come in August. I'm going to work my ass of but still I'm not trying to be an entitled millennial but they need to extend the 18-month window for the increased amount of time of wait to get our scores back. You can sue for anything in this country I'm sure there are some lawyers that don't have work to do that could figure something out.

    AUD - 90 (4/21/16)
    BEC - 76 (6/9/16)
    FAR - (8/15/16)
    REG - TBD


    @Swag4Heisman The AICPA says on their website if you are dealing with possibly losing credit to contact your NASBA state jurisdiction and request an extension. It sounds like they may have some flexibility with that.


    @Swag4heisman – I'm in a similar situation as you. I have FAR & REG left and BEC expires April 17,2017 and Audit expires May 19, 2017. If I don't knock Far and Reg before then, I'll be clueless what to do until August. But yes @Sallybrean is correct, they suggest contacting your state board. Which is also weird bc I'm sure this delay in scoring will affect a majority of candidates – are they just going to be bombarded with queries? I will probably send an email to the State Board and ask what my next step should be if I don't end up passing FAR & REG before April.

    “Q. What if the Q2 score release delay impacts my ability to complete the Exam within 18 months?
    All state board jurisdictions are aware of the score release delay. Candidates who are potentially impacted by this delay should contact their state board of accountancy for guidance. “

    BEC - 75 (3x)
    AUD - 78 (3x)
    REG - 67, 66, Aug 1
    FAR - 54, Sept 8


    OP – I'm totally with you on how I felt when I first found out about the score release (I may have thrown a bit of an adult tantrum). I originally wanted to have 3 tests taken before the exam changes, and just have AUD left to take in April. I then tried to figure out a way to cram them all in by March 10th because I was pouting about having to wait that long for my AUD score. Then I took a deep breath and told myself that 10 years from now, I'll look back on those few months of my life waiting for my score and realize that while it was brutal at the time, was it really that big of a deal?

    I switched my plan up slightly – I passed FAR in Q4, I'm taking BEC next week, I'll take REG by March 10th, and then AUD by May. Moving AUD to the end of Q2 instead of the beginning will take some time off the wait. I get people are moving tests to Q3, but I'd much rather spend my summer waiting for my score then having to continue studying for this dreadful test. I'll just use my summer to pass the ethics exam and relax, and pray that I won't have to start studying for AUD again come August.

    I hate it for the people who are close to having credits expire – luckily I'm not in that boat and hopefully there will be some leniency with it for those who are. My biggest frustration apart from just the torture of wanting to know my score is the fact that my raise and bonus I am probably getting for passing the exam will now be delayed. But being frustrated about isn't going to change anything so I just decided it was best to get over it 🙂


    I do believe in the old days all score releases took 3-4 months. It's not the end of the world. Take the test, pass it, it won't matter how long you have to wait for the grade just pass the damn thing.

    Does it suck waiting yes, but its nothing others in the prior years haven't had to wait through also. Suck it up and go study.

    First go at the CPA! Only using Becker
    Reg / Nov 2015 - 87
    Far / Apr 2016 - 79
    Bec / May 2016 - 80
    Aud / Aug 2016


    @trele6 – i think apart from the wait, it's the planning that poses the problem. if one doesn't know if they failed a section planning to study for which section again or not and how long one has to study can be challenging when you don't know your results. plus, it does eat up at the 18 month window. you don't have to deal with this situation and telling someone to just suck it up isn't really helpful. we all know we have to suck it up to pass these exams.

    BEC - 75 (3x)
    AUD - 78 (3x)
    REG - 67, 66, Aug 1
    FAR - 54, Sept 8

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