With 10 week score release timeline, can you take a test twice?

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  • #1372527

    So the 2017 Q2 scores are going to be released august 14th as you may have heard. Someone may take a test April 1, and not find out until August 14th, which is absurd. To protect themselves, are they able to take the test again in the July/August Window to ensure that they get a passing score…? So take it April 1, and then say late July to get into the August 14th release for both scores?

    I’m just trying to plan ahead for the future in case I may just have one test left in this time period. It sucks there’s no clarity on this situation. Are they going to extend it past 18 months or just keep it how it is?

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  • #1372539

    They definitely will not let you take the same section twice before you get the results from the first one.

    BEC: 85
    REG: 74, 78
    AUD: 86
    FAR: October?


    Be interesting if they extend the 18 month window in that case though. That is messed up people will have to wait that long.

    BEC: 85
    REG: 74, 78
    AUD: 86
    FAR: October?


    This is just crazy…Im trying to decide what to do during the Q2…should I jump to FAR ( whcih Im thinking will have the most material and take more of memorizing equations and rules ) and study for 3-4 months and take it during Q3 ( skip Q2 ) or should I study for two sections?

    I cant believe this is final and people over there thought ” this is a good idea”


    Don’t think so? I tried to look around already since I am panicking over this as well.

    This essentially screws me over. Waiting for a FAR score and already lost a BEC credit that is reliant on the FAR score. If I pass, im done. If not I basically lose AUD in FEB, and SOMEHOW NEED TO RETAKE ALL 3 EXAMS (FAR, BEC, AUD) BEFORE OR AT APRIL TO EVEN HAVE A SHOT OF NOT LOSING REG JULY 2017.

    My brain can’t take 3 freaking CPA exams in 2 test windows, let alone if that even is possible since the wait time to even get a NTS, etc… is a month+ if say its requested by December.

    BEC - 68,70,72,75 5/15
    AUD - 78(expired), 77 8/15
    REG - 29,58,65,77 1/16
    FAR - 56,68,73 - retake October hopefully (last shot)

    Been doing this since 2007 on and off...


    The Becker website says: “The AICPA is currently considering making the following changes to the CPA Exam administration model: Allowing candidates to re-sit a failed Exam section in the same testing window, and increasing the overall timeframe to pass all sections of the Exam.” Hopefully they'll decide soon.

    Small4 when are you taking FAR?


    The one that would make the most sense to me is increase the testing window by an additional window, since they are pretty much taking a testing window out by taking up 10 weeks to release a score. Does Jeff have any additional info on this maybe?


    When I first started looking into sitting for the exam back in 2011 you got your test score at the end of the window. So if you took your exam July 1 you got your score September after the window closed. They are not going to extend the 18 month window. Maybe they will allow students to take the same exam in the same window.

    But I highly doubt that they care they are going to make us wait because people used to wait just as long for their scores back in the day and they survived.


    what will letting students take the same test twice in one window do if they are going to take 10 weeks to release a score? you won't even know your score until theres two weeks left in the next window..what good will that do?

    and in circumstances where its outside of that 10 week portion, you are going to be finding you score within the first 10 days of the month following the testing window, in which case the window has already been closed. i dont see any benefit here.

    also, just this situation is a little different. its a lot worse having to wait 10 weeks to find out your score, than just having your score released 10 days after the two month testing window. This takes up a 10-week period, whereas the old way, worse case scenario you take it April 1 in the April/May testing window, and only have to wait April-May + 10 days. The other case (this years situation), you can take it april 1, and have to wait from April 1 – August 14th to find out. thats a little different


    Hi all,

    I'm new to this forum and was searching for this topic. I'm very concerned about the 10 week score release. Has anyone heard any news from the AICPA about letting us test twice or pushing back the expiration on passed exams?


    I am honestly so angry at the AICPA. I honestly believe they are doing this to lower passing rates and increase revenue not only for themselves, but for the CPA reviews as well 🙁


    You absolutely won't be able to take a test twice, but if you do learn that you failed for the Q2 test, you will find out around August 17th. I'm pretty sure that they're extending the Q3 window until September 10th…so you'll have about 3 and a half weeks to retake any failed tests before the next quarter closes. Also, since Q3 scores come out slightly after the end of Q3, you won't have to wait too too long to get that second score result back.

    Definitely not the most ideal situation…but 3 and a half weeks of review for a test you already took isn't impossible to pass the second time. Hopefully it won't come down to that for any of us though!!


    Yes, the AICPA and many of the Review Courses are “Cash Cows.” If the AICPA extends the testing window, which would be nice, there will be some kind of monetary penalty. Whether exam fees increase, our current NTS expires, we have to pay for a Reschedule, or we have to extend the purchase of our Review Couse, etc. Maybe the process of applying to test and successfully getting your NTS will take 2 months now – who knows? Jk, the NTS comment was a Joke – hopefully.

    Enough nagging and venting. Let's knock these Ridiculous Exams out and be Done with this process. Goodluck!!!!


    @acardone51 where did you hear about the Q3 extension to Sep. 10th?


    @FAR_out – they've been doing the 10-day extension since Q2 2016.


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