Who else is waiting for scores on Dec 19? - Page 2

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  • #1676912

    So I know I can’t be the only one anxiously waiting for their scores.

    Dec 19 will be the best or worst day of my life. I took both REG and AUD in October and studied like no tomorrow because my BEC credit was expiring on October 24. I didn’t have time to think about a strategy or ask questions like most people do. I literally read the book front to back on both AUD and REG and hoped my public accounting experience would help.

    Anyways, if my REG and AUD scores are passing, I AM DONE WITH THE EXAM!! If not, well back to my hole and studying again 🙁

    How’s everyone else feeling?

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  • #1677065

    I keep logging in to the exam release site hoping they have a glitch in their system and my scores show up early. No luck so far.


    @Jason – Super props to you and all the other parents out there making it happen with small people at home! Hope you slammed AUD and if you have any tips on the coma, send 'em my way.

    – Hope you also nailed the last two so FAR will be only a distant memory! At least we will know who our real friends are if they recognize us emerging from these cocoons.


    I'm waiting for FAR and AUD. I lose REG 12/31 so the struggle is real. I've been on this journey for awhile and have received my fair share of Fails. Trying to stay positive and think about the fact I could potentially be done soon. Good luck to everyone!

    REG: 69, 73, 80!
    FAR: 62
    BEC: TBD
    AUD: TBD


    @Right Brained

    I've definitely lost a couple friends over the course of this journey. I won't really care if I pass though. Pressure is mounting at work to pass this darn thing.

    REG - 79
    FAR - ?
    AUD - ?
    BEC - ?

    shawn in VA


    take some XANAX or several of them. The scores come out DEC 19 at 1AM if your NASBA. your not going to get preferential treatment my getting your score early. NASBA or your state board could care less about you.


    Omg! This thread is making me more anxious 😀.

    Waiting for my first exam result.

    I keep telling myself, no big deal if I don’t pass just retake it again. But… I’m still hoping for that 75.

    shawn in VA

    all you are to them is a revenue generator . They love giving 74's


    Shawn – my post specifically said “a glitch in their system” not “I hope they like me better than everyone else and put my scores up early”. You're just looking for arguments and you're really making yourself look like a complete idiot. But then again, you're in VA, that's self explanatory.

    How many times have you failed Shawn? I'll take your answer with a grain of salt.


    First attempt for FAR. Wishing for the best mcqs where ok but sims where lengthy. @jennifer how did you get your score high for far? 82? Might need some advice if I didn't pass


    @Nereida2 Ninja MCQ, ftw. That was all I used to prepare for my AUD and FAR tests this year, and it worked very well for me. Jury is still out on whether that was enough for REG and BEC.

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo

    shawn in VA


    I see you have zero passes so to me your a NOBODY!!! And for me or anyone that has failed…as cheesy as it sounds …its not how many times you fail it is how many times you bounce back.

    your comments have ZERO merit . What does living in VA have to do with anything? The northern VA and MD suburbs of DC are the most affluent in the nation. Google “most wealthiest counties in US”. 7 of the 10 are suburbs of DC and I happen to live in 1 of them. The county I live in has median household income of 120K +/-. The neighboring county is like 115K +/-.

    Where is your BF tommy cat?


    Correct, I have zero passes and I publish that. For all we know, you have zero passes and 15 fails and you won't answer the question. Therefore, your comments have zero merit as well. Also, it doesn't matter if you live in a wealthy suburb. I see many homeless people that live in NYC.

    I highly enjoy reading your comments honestly, it brings more humor throughout my day. Thank you Shawn.

    shawn in VA

    ok I updated the signature. would you like me to text you a pic of my NASBA score report so your 100% satisfied.

    you and TOmmy cat are loser/ Bf/GF


    Waiting on BEC. If I fail I lose FAR. After 2 years and 3 months of telling my kids I can't play because I need to study this is it. Hoping for a pass so that not all is lost.


    I am waiting for my FAR and AUD. Hope I pass both so I can move on. I check my CPACENTRAL account, it shows up my attendance for most recent exam.

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