When does it sink in?

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  • #1681859

    I’m still in shock and numb that I’m done. When will it feel real? How are you guys celebrating? I have a important meeting at 4pm or else I’d be at Wally’s right now but after that I’m popping the Cristal!!

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  • #1681867

    I would assume it's very anti climactic.
    Go for a run or something.


    I received my passing FAR and AUD scores this morning; I took a screen shot of the webpage and have to keep looking at it to convince myself it's real! Nothing too exciting, but I'm going to celebrate with my family with a nice dinner and hockey game tonight. Looking forward to being able to spend time with them without stressing out about not studying! Congrats on being done 🙂


    Congrats Lucy, your plans sounds perfect! I took a screenshot too and have looked at it numerous times. I'm going to head to the gym and smile the whole time on the treadmill! Maybe it'll feel real when I actually am licensed?


    Same as Lucy15, I took a screenshot.

    ReckedRacing: not anticlimatic at all.
    –Not at all–.
    It is sinking in slowly.

    I owe some librarians some gifts this evening.
    Then pick up some Hardy XO and a decent petite cigar. I wish I could get some Hibiki 17.
    Have nice dinner with wife and then a little of the XO and the cigar on the dock. Stare at the stars and be so glad I don't hafta hit the library tomorrow.


    Newbie CPA Candidate


    Same for me! Still don't think I've processed that I'm done. I only went out twice this entire semester so I fully intend to make up for it in the spring semester.


    Just like the feeling of elation is something I'm getting used to. I'm excited to have my life back!


    I graduated last week with my master's. Between the two, I'm going to be hungover for at least a month.

    I have to get the work requirement out of the way, so although I'm not a CPA, this'll do for now!

    Congrats to everyone – what a major life achievement.


    having had 3 passes, the fail is much harder to take, and it's sinking in quite quickly:) LOL! Congrats guys-you deserve to celebrate!


    I also took a screenshot of my last passing score & I've been looking at it all day! I was convinced I failed. I saw my score at 5:30 this morning (gave up and went to sleep after the site crashed at 1am). I'm still in shock- there were many days that I wasn't sure today would ever come!

    Those still in the battle, don't give up! This will be so worth it.


    You'll be happy and stoked for a month or two. Then probably be disappointed by your lack of a raise. Then you won't think about the exams at all anymore or even the fact that you're a CPA and you'll have a whole new set of issues and things to stress about that take the place of the CPA exam.

    Congrats, you've peaked.

    FAR - 80
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    REG - 85

    ETHICS - 90
    Application for California license mailed 8/4/2016


    We need spoiler tags on this forum @cpa2bee

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)


    Fails set in a second! Thankfully I'm not worried about a raise or recognition from the boss. I'm my own boss : )


    @Ana It is certainly a feeling of numbness at first, and it's difficult to really BELIEVE that you're actually finished studying for the CPA exam forever!

    In my case, I had some education requirements to fulfill after passing, so I didn't get licensed until about 6 months after passing the exam. That allowed some time for the “high” from passing the CPA exam to wear off a little, and then when I finished education requirements, BAM, I got my license and am officially a CPA! That brought back that good “high.”

    Even if/when the great feeling of passing the exams wears off, you'll appreciate how others respect your accomplishments and success of being a CPA. I work on a team of 5 accountants, and I'm the only CPA – even the Controller isn't a CPA. I think people look at me differently and have a different level of trust for my judgement and expertise.

    It's a good feeling. Congratulations!


    Feels amazing. Been studying my ass off for 2 years like you. So many ups and downs. Owe it to my family and some friends for putting up with me bitching / canceling plans / say I can't go out because I have to study. Went out to a really nice dinner with my family. The holidays were amazing. But I'm about to get back on my fitness grind and dieting. @Ana I did the same thing, went to the gym and had a grin on my face the entire time. Just the fact that I don't have to worry about studying anymore is the best. Feels like I have been in school for 7 years straight because I took some summer classes + working full time while studying. It feels really good because I got hired the same time as 3 other new hires and I have passed while the other 3 have not even attempted an exam yet for 2 years. I am definitely ahead. Yes the raise was kind of disappointing but it was better than my first year. Time to get my billings up so I get an even better raise. I am going to ask for another review after busy season. Can't wait to get my license certificate and hang it up in my office!



    You've been around the same forums I have for quite some time. It is great to see you, mtaylo, and a 2 or 3 other long term GI Joes and Janes finally get up and over the Wall.

    I'm with Ana in being one of the two bosses in my work. It isn't financial gain for us, but certainly going to help long term in the operation of our companies and partnership.
    It will probably be at least 2 months before I get my CPA paper and can put it next to my other 2 qualifications. It probably the last one I will ever get, and was the toughest of the three.

    If our office, I'm going to be sure the CPA goes over the CFA.

    Newbie CPA Candidate

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