Well…I failed - Page 3

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  • #184236
    Dan T

    Why isnt there an official “I failed” thread. Anyway I failed FAR with a 65, Im not that surprised but it still doesn’t feel good. I also didnt get a job I interviewed for last week sooo feeling a little down and am in need of a pick-me-up

    Anyone have a good joke or funny pic they wish to share?

    AUD - 75 ☺
    FAR - 65, 71, 70, 77 ☺
    BEC - 80 ☺
    REG - 73, 66, 79 ☺ 2/28/15


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  • #567521

    Was FAR your first test Dan T? I took FAR in the beginning of window and failed with a 71. Since I couldn't retake FAR until July I studied for BEC and got a passing score today. I'l be hitting the books starting Monday for July retake.

    I think while its good to study one until you pass, if you are burned out on the material you may want to try REG.

    Dan T

    I passed AUD and BEC, I'm gonna use this weekend to think about it, I was hoping to be done with this whole thing before Fall. Are you planning on taking it early July? you think 4 weeks be good for a retake?

    AUD - 75 ☺
    FAR - 65, 71, 70, 77 ☺
    BEC - 80 ☺
    REG - 73, 66, 79 ☺ 2/28/15



    AUD – 70

    The sims were really hard and I don't think I knew a single one of them, honestly, I think that's what did it. At least 3 of the sims were NOT covered in AUD. 🙁

    BEC - 81 4/08/14
    FAR - 80 8/25/14 Thank you Jesus!
    REG - 69 (Nov 14),80 1/08/15 Thank God!
    AUD - 70 (May 14), xx 5/1/15

    Becker Online & Becker Flashcards
    I definitely wish I was one of those people who got all 4 exams done in 4 months, but unfortunately LIFE (being a newlywed, stress, adjusting to newlywed life and cpa exam study life, as well as starting a job with a Big4 which I am very happy about) got in the way, just happy that I am passing period!!

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!


    Failed BEC 67. Eight days of study time not enough. Took a chance.

    F AR - 76
    B EC - 82
    A UD - 77 (lost credit)/Retake 2/25
    R EG - 80


    Got a 74 on AUD. This was my first time taking the AUD exam. I felt really good leaving the testing center. I get it now, don't rely on how you feel leaving the testing center. It's also kind of scary because I actually thought I passed easily. I guess I have to really nail down the concepts next time around.


    failed AUD blabla,,

    took 4 exams this window, Result Me – 3, NASBA – 1.

    Looks like i will be having an exam right before independence day


    bcarmi4384 – Had the same exact experience. The next test I got a 92.

    BEC - 5/26/2013 75
    REG - 8/31/2013 82
    AUD - 11/24/2013 74, 2/9/2014 92
    FAR - 5/25/2014 85

    NY CPA


    I walked out of my exam NOT so sure of how I did on Testlet 3 and the SIMS.

    The SIMS killed me probably. I probably guessed on the entire SIMS for AUD because it was out of this world and not covered on AUD Becker.

    Testlet 1 = easy

    2- = not as easy but manageable.

    3 = was like Becker's Final exam 2 questions

    OMG :((((((( Currently studying for FAR, 3 chapters in already… maybe after studying FAR i'll do better on my SIMS.

    BEC - 81 4/08/14
    FAR - 80 8/25/14 Thank you Jesus!
    REG - 69 (Nov 14),80 1/08/15 Thank God!
    AUD - 70 (May 14), xx 5/1/15

    Becker Online & Becker Flashcards
    I definitely wish I was one of those people who got all 4 exams done in 4 months, but unfortunately LIFE (being a newlywed, stress, adjusting to newlywed life and cpa exam study life, as well as starting a job with a Big4 which I am very happy about) got in the way, just happy that I am passing period!!

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!


    Yes, FAR is sooooo helpful for the AUD sims!

    AUD 84 (1/9/14-Wiley books/TB + free materials)
    FAR 83 (5/21/14-the above + NINJA 10 Pt Combo Lite)
    REG 84 (7/9/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC/Notes)
    BEC 76 (10/5/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC)

    Disclaimer: My ninja avatar is not meant to imply that I have any affiliation with this site other than being a forum member. That's a pic of a T-shirt that my daughter gave me for my birthday. 🙂


    Thank you Kimboroni…. It was my first time taking AUD with only one audit class under my belt and no work experience. I think I did fairly well on the MCQ it was just the SIMS, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of left field, like COMPLETELY.

    BEC - 81 4/08/14
    FAR - 80 8/25/14 Thank you Jesus!
    REG - 69 (Nov 14),80 1/08/15 Thank God!
    AUD - 70 (May 14), xx 5/1/15

    Becker Online & Becker Flashcards
    I definitely wish I was one of those people who got all 4 exams done in 4 months, but unfortunately LIFE (being a newlywed, stress, adjusting to newlywed life and cpa exam study life, as well as starting a job with a Big4 which I am very happy about) got in the way, just happy that I am passing period!!

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!


    no audit experience anyway

    I've got BEC down already – 81.

    BEC - 81 4/08/14
    FAR - 80 8/25/14 Thank you Jesus!
    REG - 69 (Nov 14),80 1/08/15 Thank God!
    AUD - 70 (May 14), xx 5/1/15

    Becker Online & Becker Flashcards
    I definitely wish I was one of those people who got all 4 exams done in 4 months, but unfortunately LIFE (being a newlywed, stress, adjusting to newlywed life and cpa exam study life, as well as starting a job with a Big4 which I am very happy about) got in the way, just happy that I am passing period!!

    I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!


    I have the most awful score in the history. FAR really kicked my butt big time! 🙁


    JRosen92770- did you use Wiley test bank or becker? I used becker but thinking about getting the test bank this time around.


    I used Becker, both times. The difference, studying the second time, I was so pissed, I re-read the book 2x and 3x for week areas. I said “hell no” I will not fail again.

    BEC - 5/26/2013 75
    REG - 8/31/2013 82
    AUD - 11/24/2013 74, 2/9/2014 92
    FAR - 5/25/2014 85

    NY CPA


    So bummed. Increased my score but still ended up with a 63. Felt so prepared.

    AUD - 5/30/14

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