Waiting in WI : Part 2 - Page 3

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  • #158899

    Just wondering if any WI people ever get there scores in wave 1?

    AUD 89
    BEC 84
    FAR 87
    REG 94!! ALL DONE

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  • #258795

    He posted a video on the update of the release process and indicated no more audit scores would come out….I'm not sure this is only my second window, but in August NASBA tweeted the window was closed Sept 1 at like 8 in the morning and then on Sept 2nd at like 10 at night I received my score. So I was hoping they would tweet that today and I'd receive my scores tomorrow but who knows

    BEC - 08/12/10 - 85
    FAR - 10/01/10 - 84
    AUD - 10/30/10 - 81
    REG - 11/30/10 - 85


    Still waiting……ugh this is driving me nuts. The loophole already told me bad news about BEC but of course is making me keep wondering on FAR.

    I'd be very thankful tomorrow for knowing what my score was… 🙂


    Becks so it is letting you reregister for BEC but you haven't got your score yet? But not letting you reregister for FAR?

    FAR 69 76; AUD 62 73; REG 80; BEC 69 70


    I have AUD and REG passed; FAR and BEC taken in this testing window. Because I have AUD and REG passed, both of the little check boxes next to those sections are greyed out and I cannot check them (meaning I cannot register for them). However, once wave 1 was released, I was able to check the box next to BEC indicating it wasn't passed. However, my FAR box is still greyed. Not sure if it is because I passed it or if I had a new sim and therefore the're holding my score until wave 2 with the rest of the exams that had the new sims.

    You only get the message to contact your coordinator if you have an NTS outstanding for all sections or waiting for scores to come in I believe.


    ok just making sure…I have REG and FAR passed and waiting on AUD (10/26) and taking BEC Tuesday so it is saying sorry currently all exams are in process or something like that

    FAR 69 76; AUD 62 73; REG 80; BEC 69 70


    Yeah, that would be the right message to have at this point! (wish that was me) 🙂


    My OASIS Changed today

    All or some section(s) of your Notice to Schedule (NTS) have been attended and scores have been received. Thole.e score(s) reported generated a notice to be mailed to you.

    I'm afraid to check the loophole. I don't want it to ruin the weekend if I didn't pass.

    Paper Exam May 2002; AUD 62, LPR, 63, FAR 49, ARE 70
    Paper Exam Nov 2003; AUD 72, LPR, 72, FAR 67, ARE 71
    CBT 2010; AUD 83 FAR 76 BEC 78 REG 73,(2/28/11 NTS # 446) 75 and DONE!


    I failed. The loophole let me re-register today 🙁

    Paper Exam May 2002; AUD 62, LPR, 63, FAR 49, ARE 70
    Paper Exam Nov 2003; AUD 72, LPR, 72, FAR 67, ARE 71
    CBT 2010; AUD 83 FAR 76 BEC 78 REG 73,(2/28/11 NTS # 446) 75 and DONE!


    Sorry to hear that..Do you have a link to the oasis thing?

    BEC - 08/12/10 - 85
    FAR - 10/01/10 - 84
    AUD - 10/30/10 - 81
    REG - 11/30/10 - 85


    Nevermind I found it, did you get results back for both exams?

    BEC - 08/12/10 - 85
    FAR - 10/01/10 - 84
    AUD - 10/30/10 - 81
    REG - 11/30/10 - 85


    I didn't take BEC until November 18th so I won't find out about that until Wave 2. But, I felt better leaving REG than I did for BEC so I'm sure I failed that too. I'm pretty sure I was borderline for REG because the OASIS just changed today. I was hoping to be done this year. I guess I'll have to get the update and give it another try in January. At least REG is changing the least. Great. Holidays are ruined and I have to face all my relatives to tell them I failed.

    Paper Exam May 2002; AUD 62, LPR, 63, FAR 49, ARE 70
    Paper Exam Nov 2003; AUD 72, LPR, 72, FAR 67, ARE 71
    CBT 2010; AUD 83 FAR 76 BEC 78 REG 73,(2/28/11 NTS # 446) 75 and DONE!


    Yeah my loophole changed to allow me to re-register for FAR…such a downer. Also, WI allows me to re-register for FAR. Has this ever NOT been indicative of a failling grade? As in, has anyone ever been able to re-register and ended up with a passing score? Probably not, but just checking.


    I am also wondering whether or not the wave is actually closed. Last time, a tiny few scores trickled in day-by-day at the end. Who knows?

    I took REG on 10/15, so I'm expecting a score for that one, and through the Ohio loophole, it states all of my sections are still in progress, which is good, but there is always the chance that I had a new sim, in which case it could be pushed back to Wave 2.

    Does anybody think it's possible the wave has ended and that scores could come out for WI tonight? It's a reach, I know, but it would sure be great if they would release before the holiday weekend.

    FAR - 94 (7/10)
    AUD - 99 (8/20)
    REG - 99 (10/15)
    BEC - 88 (11/20)


    I don't remember ever trying to see if I could re-register under the WI website for my last two exams. I've only tried the Ohio Loophole in the past.

    My Oasis still shows: “All or some sections of your Notice to Schedule (NTS) have been attended but not all scores have been received.” This message has not changed at all.

    I have three exams listed on my NTS. BEC which I've passed in July, FAR waiting on 10/11 and AUD scheduled to take on Monday. I can also re-register for FAR under WI and OH. I don't know anymore…..In the general Oct/November score forum, I've read comments about individuals passing and still having the ability to re-register for exams after receiving their scores. Since Wisconsin is so weird to begin with, I wouldn't automatically assume that you didn't pass.

    Hopefully we will receive our scores this week. Jeff made a prediction for WI scores on 11/27. If I receive my score for FAR, I will post and let you know if the loophole worked or not. Please do the same.


    I'm not allowed to reregister – Maybe the jokes on me and you all passed – Who knows with this screwy system

    BEC - 08/12/10 - 85
    FAR - 10/01/10 - 84
    AUD - 10/30/10 - 81
    REG - 11/30/10 - 85

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