Waiting For Final Score

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  • #1584101

    Is anyone else going insane waiting for their final score to be released in August?

    Looking to see if anyone is studying or planning to start re-studying for their final section after having already taken it.

    I can’t imagine studying anymore but am scared to roll the dice and not.

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  • #1584119

    I've all but checked out. Been using my time this summer to exercise and learn SQL and and Python. Dont be scared, enjoy the rest of the summer and make the positive assumption that you passed.


    I have pretty much checked out as well. I think I might read through my book maybe once just to refresh everything real quick just in case I need to retake, but other than that I am just enjoying the summer!!


    Took AUD on 4/7 and all but checked out as far as that test is concerned after that! I have moved onto REG which is next Thursday…After 7/20, I am going to enjoy my summer, until score release, then I move onto FAR whether or not I passed AUD… 🙂 Plan on taking FAR on 11/17 or so, before Thanksgiving and then going to enjoy my time off until score release in December….


    @OPMike I have been quietly trying to re-acquaint myself with Auditing. I've already requested an extension from my state board but no response at all, so in the worst case scenario, if I fail FAR (again) my Auditing will expire and will need to be ready for both in the extended window for the Sept 19 score release. Studying isn't exactly my mission for each day, but I don't want to be in a bad spot in the event I fail. I have been reading the 2015 Wiley pdf and doing the pdf questions and listening to 2015 Gleim audios. I still have the focus notes app, but haven't started that yet. Trying my hardest not to spend money on something that may or may not happen (even if Ninja is only $47). Not sure when I will start back up on FAR, maybe in a few weeks. This is really a weird situation.

    AUD - 1st - 60 (12/12), 61 (2/13), 61 (8/13), 78! (11/15)
    REG - 55 (2/16) 69 (5/16) Retake(8/16)
    BEC - 71(5/16) Retake (9/16)
    FAR - (8/16)


    I'm not waiting on my final score (yet) but I will have July 30 – August 21 of dead time. I'm taking my final (hopefully) exam on the 29th and waiting on third in August, then last in September. I WILL NOT be studying during those weeks.

    BEC - 79
    REG - 85
    AUD - 5/27/16


    Waiting on last score as well. I had continued to study the first week after taking it and my husband asked why I was studying for a test I already had taken…(sigh). I look occasionally at SIM's and MCQ's. I do plan to read through the book starting next week “just in case”! It sure has been nice having free time though. Crossing my fingers that I reached the magical 75!


    Mentally I want to study FAR again, but I'd rather take a breather and relax. Worst case scenario I have three weeks after score release for a retake in Q3. BTW, my state CT already mentioned that they are giving extension credit to 12/31/17. I have two more shots before I lose REG. Hopefully I am DONE on 8/17


    I'm preparing to take my final exam in early August, but because of the delays in the score release, I don't have feedback on two of the exams I've already taken. I'm discovering that the ambiguity of not knowing whether or not my study tactics have worked for previous exams is becoming more distracting the further I go. It sucks.


    I am in the same state and in a same situation as you are. I too have two more shots before I loose REG if I don't pass AUD. Can you elaborate bit more on CTs take on extending credit until the 12/31/17???


    If I pass, August 17 will be a day to celebrate. I am currently unemployed and know that this last part will be a game changer in the job market. Beginning to feel like I need to start studying again just in case. I am in a good position on the last part since I have 2 more attempts before my first one expires. I feel like I passed it but could end up in the 70-74 range.


    @NinjaSlayer sorry, changed my screen name from canpass
    Here is the link, just attach a copy of this with your application to extend credit. The state board sent me the link btw https://www.ct.gov/dcp/cwp/view.asp?q=591556


    @NinjaSlayer – also scored myself a free retake of FAR due to heavy construction at the prometrics test center. It was so bad test takers kept looking outside. Felt like a bad tornado and earthquake. I PRAY I DONT NEED IT!!!!!!!!


    Thank you canpassattitude-
    But my first score expires in the 4th quarter. Will this policy still apply to me?

    Tax lady

    Me! Waiting for my FAR score. I'm either done, or down to 1 credit due to two sections expiring from the May – August wait time. No pressure.

    REG 8/15/14 (73); 11/13/14 (82)-expired 🙁
    AUD 5/30/15 (80)
    BEC 11/28/15 (75)
    FAR 7/30/16

    Studying with CPAexcel and Ninja notes/MCQ's/Flashcards


    @NinjaSlayer, No if your score expires in the fourth quarter then you will not receive an extension.

    lady, what state are you in. I'm in CT and they just approved my extension of credit TODAY. See if your state has something similar

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