Use These Steps to Open NASBA Account - Page 4

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  • #1724465

    1. Use this link and click “get scores” (The green medicine pill looking icon)

    2. Click “Register” on the right side of screen
    3. Fill out info: BUT…. on the “Jurisdiction Code” enter your state abbreviation
    4. Use the code that NASBA emailed you for the “Jurisdiction Candidate ID”
    5. Create security questions
    6. Done

    *** Scores will be released once received, not everyone will get them at the same time like in the past***

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  • #1724981

    @PJ mine says “Attendance” on CPA Central and I took it on 2/13.


    Is that what it normally says when you're waiting on your score? Yours might be updated because you took it a few days prior to the shutdown.


    I am not sure. I have seen other people comment on threads here that theirs hasn't been updated yet either. I don't think you're alone.


    it took me awhile for me to get this to work but here is how i had to do it:

    Jurisdiction Code: PA
    Jurisdiction ID: XXXXXXX (7 numbers from jurisdiction ID minus the first 0)

    seems like it varies from state to state maybe? weird.


    So we use the new version to retrieve scores, view NTS and receipts only? We still apply for the tests through the NASBA CPA Central, right?


    My info. literally will not work. I've tried everything. Can't even register…lol.

    For those in NY state, what did you put for jurisdiction candidate ID? Did you have to remove any zeros?


    I'm from NY and had to drop the two leading zeros in front of the digits following the the jurisdiction ID on cpa central.


    I keep getting an error “Invalid combination of user information. Gateway User not found.”

    This is incredibly frustrating. If anyone is able to crack the code, please do post. I've tried so many times I am wondering if they just locked me out or something.



    I did not have any problems for the NYS. I admit that I read the posts on the forum first.

    How about restarting a computer and starting from the scratch?

    Wonder how many e-mails you have already received from NASBA? 🙂 They did not block you! They just don't know what the h… they are doing and testing on us!!


    Ended up getting through! The second field where it asks “Jurisdiction Candidate ID” is what follows after NY (minus the zero). I was typing in my individual candidate ID from CPA central…oops. If it wasn't for this forum, I wouldn't have been able to log-in. Appreciate it everyone!


    I'm convinced they push IT so hard on BEC because they are so incompetent with technology.


    For Ohio – Candidate ID is only 6 digits – delete the first two zeroes.


    Yes, for candidates of CPAES States the Code will be the state abbreviation, and your JUR ID, will be the number listed on your CPA Central account on the top right of the page with your Name, State, and Jur ID, just leave off the leading zeroes.

    Non-Cpaes States, your code will be the state abbreviation, then your your JUR ID will be the state specific number your board assigned to you… just a few i found.

    Arizona-Candidate ID
    California-Unique Identifier Number
    Oregon-Candidate ID
    Idaho-SSN or New Candidate ID
    Nevada-File Number
    Wyoming-JUR ID
    Arkansas-JUR ID
    Texas-Control Number
    North Dakota-
    South Dakota-JUR ID
    Illinois-JUR ID
    Alabama-JUR ID
    North Carolina-Candidate ID Number
    West Virginia-JUR ID

    It wont say attended until Prometric sends the information to NASBA that you attended and that wouldnt happen until the NCD/GW system is back up on 3/5/18.

    No, scores will only be shown on the GW System for a limited amount of time once the score has been received (like for 30 days), old scores will not show on the GW system, your score history (most recent score for all sections) will be on the cpa central site.

    Yes, even if you dont receive your scores from the GW site, you still need to create an account… to pay your payment coupon, international testing fees, Guam surcharge, and reprint an NTS.

    There are not any scores posted yet, not until March 8th.

    CPA Central is for CPAES States and used to apply for the exam, just like Non-Cpaes states apply for the exam through their state board, then the GW site is for viewing scores, paying payment coupons, international testing fees, Guam Surcharge, and reprinting NTS's.


    Has anyone been able to sign in via cellphone/mobile?
    I can log in fine from desktop, but not from my cell, which is how I usually check my scores during the night.
    Gonna make me get out of bed to go to the laptop for this.


    @Recked – I have been able to login via cellphone. Every time I try, I have to go through a two step verification, where they would ask me 2 security questions.

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