I felt decent leaving the testing center. The first testlet was all the topics I did well on when I was studying (85%-ish correct), the second was all the stuff I did terribly on (55-65% correct), and the third testlet was the stuff I did decently on (70-75% correct), so I got a pretty decent mix on the MCQ's. I think I probably did fine on those, but not outstanding. I felt fantastic about my SIMs, though, so I think those probably pushed me over the 74 mark. However, I was certain I passed the first time I took audit, and being so sure that you got it makes the fail even more devastating, so I am trying very hard not to get my hopes up.
Readytobedonenow, I am impressed that you can stop worrying about it, even if we have fewer than 24 hours left. I cannot think about anything else, no matter how hard I try!
BEC - 79, 75 DONE!!!
AUD - 70,70, 74, 74, 78
REG - 83
FAR - 79