took FAR today…man got pwned - Page 2

  • This topic has 19 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #159816

    My experience was bad. First testlet marked up like 3 for review finished in 30 minutes…2nd testlet was so hard…marked like 1/2 them….looked at the time 1:00 passed by on second one alone…third testlet was easy again…finished in1/2 hr…sooo had 2 hrs for sims. Easy hard easy isn’t a good sign…

    For the sims Damn I knew only 3 of the six tabs with familiarity…research I got it. Finished 31minutes early and look at the sims again…. what bothers me is I finished early…I guessed a lot and a lot of the calculations my answer wasn’t there!! So my execution was way off. So like what I thought was right was wrong….man well for now relax :)…


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  • #269973

    Ya its bad :(…miss the written communications.



    Although when I passed FAR the 70/30 Rule was still in affect and we had written communications, I can tell you I came out of the test center completely destroyed. I didn't finish the entire second simulation and completely thought I failed even though I studied my a$$ off for the test. As you can see below I received a great Christmas present even though I worried like all of you before I received my score. The bottom line is some of you WILL pass, I am only hoping that its all of you who do and not the people who don't come to this site :). Moral of the story – FAR sucks, if you think its a good test …your either insane, drunk or on some of Charlie Sheen's medication. However, I think you will find out you did better than your initial reaction leaving the test center.

    Good luck to all, wish you the best!


    FAR, by far, is the worst exam I have taken in my entire life (both in Nov 2010 and Feb 2011). Not that AUD, BEC, and REG were a walk in the park – they were all horrible too, but FAR, to me, is in a league of its own. The poorly worded, extremely long questions in the MC section take so much time to even read, much less untangle (have to read them at least twice). Granted, some were easy – really easy, but many were difficult, and some were just poorly worded pieces of crap…hope they were pretest questions.

    I felt like I was running at 200 mph the entire four hours (all the while being beaten about the head and body) and still ran out of time before completing my research question. I did finish more of my exam this time than last time, and I'm totally praying for a pass, but with the 60/40 weight…who knows? Scoring is a new experience for us all in 2011 – we'll have to wait and see once the AICPA gods have spoken…in about two weeks.

    Good luck to everyone – I'm so ready to be out of this race!!! 🙂

    AUD 92, REG 85, BEC 90, FAR 85
    Ethics 100
    Obtained License 7/11/11 🙂


    so many sleepless night after the FAR exam (Feb 28). I can't even concentrate on studying AUD while waiting for the score to come out.. Does anyone in here have these kind of feelings?

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