took FAR today…man got pwned

  • This topic has 19 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #159816

    My experience was bad. First testlet marked up like 3 for review finished in 30 minutes…2nd testlet was so hard…marked like 1/2 them….looked at the time 1:00 passed by on second one alone…third testlet was easy again…finished in1/2 hr…sooo had 2 hrs for sims. Easy hard easy isn’t a good sign…

    For the sims Damn I knew only 3 of the six tabs with familiarity…research I got it. Finished 31minutes early and look at the sims again…. what bothers me is I finished early…I guessed a lot and a lot of the calculations my answer wasn’t there!! So my execution was way off. So like what I thought was right was wrong….man well for now relax :)…


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  • #269958

    Herbieherb, don't worry about it. My first testlet on FAR was easy. Second was harder but still doable. 3rd one was rocking me. I had to guess on atleast 30% of them. I got destroyed by the SIMS and I still passed. There is still hope bro-ham!!



    I cant stop thinking about my REG sims. Tonight I probably will have nightmares about them (again). : (

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    What u up to Herbert?

    What ur strategy if things don't go your way? Won't say the F word lol…not sure if I want to take it again at end of May w and lose more life for extra study time…or take it ASAP again early April while its still fresh and get to enjoy rest if window but get less study time?

    Do you guys know if u get partial credit for picking the right drop down but input the wrong number?



    I know I'm very capable of passing REG as I know the material well. The problem is I got unlucky in getting some weird mcqs and some impossible sims. If I don't pass, I'm taking it right away (probably wont need much study)

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    @ Herbie.

    I took FAR today too. First testlet easy, second difficult, third in between.

    I spent way too long on the MCQs, and had only an hour to complete the TBS. Ugh. I'm worried this might be my undoing. I was able to complete 5 of the 7 tabs – but was only confident on 3 of them.

    With the Sims now accounting for 40% and no Written Communication to fall back on, I'm a little worried.

    BEC (05/31/10) 82
    AUD (08/31/10) 76
    REG (11/29/10) 90
    FAR (02/28/11) 82


    I wish I could have your 90 on REG!! haha

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    @ Shelley I was so worried about my Sim time I didnt even double check any of my MCQs. Took a break around 2:05.

    But my Easy-Hard-Easy for the testles configuration was only good time wise =/ Killed my confidence when I didnt even mark any of my 3rd testlet. The sims were actually easier than I imagined…I just didn't cover the areas they asked. I think even if I had a week more to study, I wouldn't have even looked at that stuff. Made some wild guesses. Im hoping for parial credit picking the correct stuff from JE.



    @ Herbert – I think you've got this one. I know you studied like crazy. At the end of the day, we are just trying to demonstrate that we know what we need to know. I think you'll get good news.

    @ Herbie – I hear you. I really am hoping the AICPA has some magic formula for the elusive 75 – really hoping it's not truly the 60% MCQ/40% SIMS.

    Nothing to do now but pray and wait. 🙂

    BEC (05/31/10) 82
    AUD (08/31/10) 76
    REG (11/29/10) 90
    FAR (02/28/11) 82

    Need a Napa


    Try not to worry about it too much (I know this is MUCH easier said than done). When I took FAR in December, it was the hardest test I've ever taken in my life. I used every last second, and actually got booted out just as I finished my writing portion. I was 100% sure I failed. I drove my truck home, which I've had for 8 years, pulled into the driveway, and just took my foot off the clutch like I forgot I was driving a stick shift… 8 years and I've never once done that! That test destroyed my brain.

    Well, as you can see below, when scores came out right before Christmas, I got some good news. The thing I've learned from this is that you should not even try to guess how they're scoring this thing, and try to totally put it out of your mind for a couple of weeks until grades get closer.

    That being said, would I be surfing if I had completely put my Feb. 27 AUD exam out of my mind?

    BEC - 83 (8/31/2010)
    FAR - 85 (11/30/2010)
    AUD - 82 (2/27/2011)
    REG - 87 (5/31/2011)

    oc accountant

    I took FAR yesterday. I felt decent about the multiple choice, but the sims made absolutely no sense. I don't understand how an exercise that makes no sense and is not even something that would be encountered in the real world could be considered an accurate test of our knowledge. As mentioned by others, with the weight of the sims changed to 40%, I don't think I stand a chance. Worse, I will watch helplessly in early April my REG score of 88 vanish.

    There is a quote that I read once “A committee can make a decision that is dumber than any of its members.” Well, the AICPA has certainly come out with a lot of dumb decisions. The sims themselves, the 40% weight they carry, the 18 month rule for losing credit for passed exams…I'm only doing this for the title on my resume.


    I'm positive the passing rate will go down in 2011. After all, that's part of the reason in the CPA exam changes, to lower the passing rate, which they will accomplish by removing the writing portion out of 3 parts and making sims worth 40% of the grade. This will make BEC the easiest exam to pass in 2011 (15 % is writing).

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    I took FAR on the 25 and I'm amazed at all of your abilities to recall the test. I left that exam completely blanked and overwhelmed. I’m not sure if my test lets were hard or easy. I remember thinking in the middle of the second one that I may fail but snapped myself out of it. I felt some questions were more trying to trick you then to test your knowledge on the information. I don’t know about you guys but man I cannot make an educated guess on whether I passed or failed because to be honest I was just so overwhelmed with the experience that I’m completely blank towards it. Probably the worst part of it all is I feel really comfortable with the information but was that enough to equal a passing score…. I guess March 17 we will all find out… Until then, I put my FAR book away deep in my closet along with my notes so that I don’t torture myself and start trying to recall questions.

    Now starting the grind for BEC just hope the news on March 17 doesn’t send me on a bad one….


    I walked out of the testing center and felt like I want to jump off the bridge. I spent about 40 hrs/ week for 6 weeks to study this section. I haven't been out or do anything since I started my review course with Becker. I thought that I've learned all the material really well. The 7 sims were ridiculous. Research question? I didn't even have enough time to read the research question so I had to skim through it and did my best guess.


    i agree, the SIMS were ridiculous-to say the least.


    It amazed me that you guys can still remember the difficulty level of the testlets. =) I left the test center with my mind being blank after being horrified by the exam. With the TBS is now worth 40%, I'm 99.99% sure that I've failed.

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