Texas Watch List - Page 15

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  • #180347

    To all my fellow Texas candidates, it appears we will be waiting until tomorrow morning for our scores. I have already read of people contacting the TSBPA asking where the scores are. From my experience, socres may be released the day after if NASBA posts the scores in the morning, or two mornings after is NASBA posts the scores in the afternoon.

    When you call TSBPA, you will get someone who either provides false information that freaks everyone out, or someone who actually knows the process repeating what I have said above.

    CPA EXAM: DONE!!!!
    Ethics Course: Passed
    Application Mailed: 3/16/15
    Professional Conduct Exam: 97
    Certification Date: 4/2/15!!!

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  • #570198

    My advice would be to kill AMT. Know it like the back of your hand. That goes for corps and individuals. That should help you get those extra points.


    Qlad, I'm sorry to hear about your only-one-point away to pass in REG. This part must be as super hard as FAR.

    I did not sleep so well last night after receiving 73 in FAR. It scares me to think how difficult this exam that I might fail again in the next round or maybe score lower.

    Recalling how the exam looked like made me wonder how in the world I was able to pull off 73 with those huge SIMs that would not even fit the whole screen.

    I am sure others who already beat REG will be able to advise you how you should attack this ‘devil' in the next round.

    Good luck.


    Its very hard to practice for SIM's but Casa is right. You have done REG a few times so you kind of now know what type of Sim's they give. One thing I noticed was the exam i sat in Oct for REG had one SIm that was very similar to what i did in Feb.

    Not the same but similar – so what i did was capitalize on what i saw in my previous exams by doing research and asking people the help explain the concepts that came in the SIM without telling anyone that this was something I saw in the SIM.

    Example – I got a SIM on how to make Apple pie – now I knew we needed sugar and apple but I couldn't understand the process.

    So I just kept asking – well we start with these things but how do i get to a nicely baked apple pie… does temp affect it etc etc. So I just asked specific questions that nagged me about the SIM's.

    You can do it !! Just let out your sadness today.

    Go back to studying and go for it . Also if you want more “SIM” practice I would maybe recommend buying Gleim – just the SIM's.

    Good Luck and again really sorry for your score 🙁

    CA Candidate. 05/27/2014 ~ 786/110
    I am done!!


    @Casa, Kanada, AmorD…thanks guys…thanks a lot for the support…i am going in again on April 1st …and doing it again…now trhe focus is only the SIMS….and the weak points …lost about 2.5 weeks of studying for AUD that i had planned…but still i wud go for AUD by end of may…i have to go on…can't stop now…thanks once again…

    FAR 72,71,81 🙂
    AUD 64,71, 72, 75 🙂 I'm done !!!
    REG 73, 74, 74, 84 🙂
    BEC 76 🙂


    Focusing on sims is ok but don't completely neglect MCQ. Focus on the problems you've missed in the test bank. Remember, understanding the concepts is the most important thing to do. What I did for AMT is write out the formulas every single day for about a month. Be familiar with the differences between corp/individual AMT.

    P.S.-did you ever pick a fight song?


    Apparently I'm on the BEC bubble this go round. Can any of you tell me how long it will be before I get my results?


    @lfuller I was in the OK bubble and my score came a day later. I bet you get yours tomorrow.

    AUD 1/18/2014 PASSED (Half way done!!)
    REG 5/30/2014
    BEC 2/24/2014 PASSED (I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!)
    FAR 12/1/2013 PASSED



    @WannaB_OKCPA — Thanks!!


    I received my score this morning!! PASSED BEC!!!! Hallelujah!!! 1/2 way there!!!!


    Hey everyone, just wanted to see if y'all got an email from nasba that we can view our scores directly like other states.

    So does this mean we don't have to wait the extra two days like before? That would be awesome.


    I got the same email bae bae. I do believe we will get our scores on the release date now.


    I think so!!!!

    CPA EXAM: DONE!!!!
    Ethics Course: Passed
    Application Mailed: 3/16/15
    Professional Conduct Exam: 97
    Certification Date: 4/2/15!!!


    No more brutal waits and seeing postings of everyone else. Man, this is like the highlight of my week! I need to get a life… When the all 4 sections are over of course.


    I am SO glad that this thread can be deleted/archived/obliterated. I tested for AUD on 4/7, so the wait til 5/2 or 5/5 was gonna be hard enough before tacking on 2 more days. I feel better about studying for REG now 🙂


    Now, why on earth would you want to delete my thread? We can still post our Texas scores here, since we are from Texas and watching for our scores. 😉

    CPA EXAM: DONE!!!!
    Ethics Course: Passed
    Application Mailed: 3/16/15
    Professional Conduct Exam: 97
    Certification Date: 4/2/15!!!

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