Testing window strategy

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  • #159793

    I have until 11/28 before my FAR expires. I am taking AUD on Monday (which I’m fairly certain I will pass this time). I don’t know whether I should try to cram REG and BEC in to the 2nd Quarter window giving me two windows to retake them if I need to, or if I should take more time and take REG in Q2 and BEC in Q3, leaving me only one window to retake them if I fail. I hate to plan to fail, but this is such a hard exam!!! Any advice?

    FAR 82
    AUD 81 (2007), 73, 80
    REG 68 (2010), 76
    BEC 58 (2007), 75 DONE!!!!

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  • #269737

    I started studying in late May and took REG in mid July, the 12th I believe, then I took BEC at the end of August… I luckily passed both.

    I felt more than ready for REG.. I think it is definitely possible and advisable to take 2 per testing window. I think REG is all memorizing.


    How much time do you study each day? I work full time and have a toddler so I only get an hour or two of studying in each day.

    FAR 82
    AUD 81 (2007), 73, 80
    REG 68 (2010), 76
    BEC 58 (2007), 75 DONE!!!!


    Because REG was my first exam, I took it pretty seriously.. I studied alot (I was burned out by the time I got to AUD)

    I have the opportunity to do the 4-10 hours a week at work, which means I only work 4 days a week. I had a free day during the week to devote 8 hours to studying. On my work days, I would spend an hour or so, at minimum complete progress tests.

    But I studied 6-10 hours on Saturday and Sunday. I work full time but do not have the responsibility of children yet.

    If you have a slight interest in tax and business law I think you can do it! You could probably see how studying goes, then schedule the exam when or as you become comfortable with the material 🙂


    Ya for sure. 2 each window. 1 in beginning, 1 at end. Start study for BEC now, take it like April 1-7, Study for Reg after BEC Take it May 25-31.

    Keep doing that till you pass all. This method gives you no life to live because you are continuously studying lol..but who needs a break?

    Then Focus. It works to your advantage these early testing windows of 2011 because there is no wave scores, you will know your fate at end of 2nd window no distractions, like oh crap im stressing about BEC in Mid May…u know??



    Thank you both! I just want this to be over with so I can move on with my life.

    FAR 82
    AUD 81 (2007), 73, 80
    REG 68 (2010), 76
    BEC 58 (2007), 75 DONE!!!!

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