So frustrated by another score delay - Page 2

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  • #1765447

    Hello NINJAs and fellow future CPAs,

    I’ve been a forum visitor for about 2 years now, and have been sitting for exams for almost that long. I know most of you are aware of the score releases that took place from Q2-Q4 2017 and that are more delays for Q2-Q4 2018.

    I sat for my first exam in July 2016 and passed my first exam (BEC) in October 2016. It expires tomorrow. After multiple attempts of each of the remaining 3, I passed REG and AUD and took FAR yesterday in a mad dash to not lose my BEC credit. I am SO frustrated to be impacted by another score delay!

    I waited all through Q2, Q3 and Q4 last year because of the stupid exam changes. I have taken 1-3 exams every testing quarter since Q3 2016. I think its super unfair that the 18 month rule hasn’t been extended in all states for candidates like myself who have been so delayed for the last year. I’m thankful I haven’t lost credit yet, but waiting for results all of 2017 really impacted my reactivity time and ability to retake exams quickly. Now I have to wait 2.5 months until June 27th where if I passed FAR, I’m done. And if I didn’t, I have 2 left still. But it I wasn’t impeded all of 2017 in the first place I probably wouldn’t be in this time crunch.

    Has anyone had any success with getting scores extended because of cumulative delays? My state board reps (WA state) basically told me that they were only extending for people who lost scores during the 10-week delay of Q2 2017 and couldn’t retake in Q3 (shocker).

    This sounds more whiny than I meant it to be and I apologize for that. I just think I hit the delays just right to get screwed over by passing my first in Q4 2016. Is anyone else in the same boat like me? Any success in getting 18 months extended for score delays? Any other advice?

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  • #1831535

    Have they ever released scores early? Does that ever happen?

    The fact that there’s an announced delay would seem to answer my question, but I want to ask just the same.


    @dgg135 I can't speak for everyone as I didn't start sitting until Q1 2018. My first two scores were released early, but not by much. First score was about an hour early and second score was around 10 hours early. Given that they pushed the Q2 release a day already, I would be surprised if they were early. I would be shocked if they were more than 24 hours early.


    I wonder if they are going to go back to using the clock or if its going to be another ‘follow us on social media for updates' type of thing since they like to not release the time of when they are releasing the scores


    @mskcle, I doubt they will go back. They like to keep us guessing. They put a 3 month hold on scores for people that take the exam in April, and then want to be the hero by releasing the scores 1-12 hours early. But it actually drives me crazy having such a wide window when scores could arrive. I'm probably being petty, but I would rather have an exact time.


    I am sure they will be early. No way in hell do they need all this time to validate the new software. By how early, who knows


    I am in the same boat, I either pass REG when we find out on the 28th, or I have to take REG and BEC again. I called my state licensing board and I was shocked when she told me that the AICPA does not take studying and preparation into consideration when filing for an extension of the 18 month window. As long as you can “sign up” for another window, they do not care and will not extend. I think this is bogus because since the windows for score release are delayed we are missing out on opportunities to prepare which is obviously vital to survive and pass this exam. So I definitely agree


    Oh and the fact that they expect us to study while we are awaiting results from an exam we may have already passed is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Okay rant over.


    This is what I'm having to do, but it is justification for us for parts that are expiring this and 3rd quarter, while we wait for our 4th exam results. They should give us a courtesy 2 month extension, for all states. Anyone agree?


    Waiting. waiting, waiting… SMH I feel like I am postponing my life until I get these scores. I want to plan some trips and what not this Summer but can't until I figure out whether or not I need to keep studying


    Are we assuming that the scores that are coming out on the 28th will actually be coming out at 11 PM the night before (so the 27th)?


    @NPH3 it varies. Generally, they come out a little early. For the exam I took in January, they were out about an hour early. For the one I took in March, scores were out about 10 hours early. Given that they pushed the score release back a day, I doubt they would be much more than a few hours early.

    Also, BEC is a day behind which I'm sure you know already.


    I couldn’t agree more with you all! I got caught in the score delay both last year and this year! I lost credit for BEC and I’ll lose credit for AUD in Oct.

    It was so great to retake them every month if you HAD to. Now you get less chances (once a testing window) which is awful when you have expiring tests.

    I get my results at the end of June for BEC, REG, and FAR. I am crossing my fingers!!

    FAR: 65 (still drying my tears) 2nd attempt: 7/2016
    BEC: 81 5/2016 (WOO FIRST PASS!)
    REG: 5/2016
    AUD: 8/2016


    @The People's Champ – Me too my friend invited me on a trip in early August…but I want to see if I pass REG first….I WANT MY LIFE BACK. Ugh good luck to all.

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