So frustrated by another score delay

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  • #1765447

    Hello NINJAs and fellow future CPAs,

    I’ve been a forum visitor for about 2 years now, and have been sitting for exams for almost that long. I know most of you are aware of the score releases that took place from Q2-Q4 2017 and that are more delays for Q2-Q4 2018.

    I sat for my first exam in July 2016 and passed my first exam (BEC) in October 2016. It expires tomorrow. After multiple attempts of each of the remaining 3, I passed REG and AUD and took FAR yesterday in a mad dash to not lose my BEC credit. I am SO frustrated to be impacted by another score delay!

    I waited all through Q2, Q3 and Q4 last year because of the stupid exam changes. I have taken 1-3 exams every testing quarter since Q3 2016. I think its super unfair that the 18 month rule hasn’t been extended in all states for candidates like myself who have been so delayed for the last year. I’m thankful I haven’t lost credit yet, but waiting for results all of 2017 really impacted my reactivity time and ability to retake exams quickly. Now I have to wait 2.5 months until June 27th where if I passed FAR, I’m done. And if I didn’t, I have 2 left still. But it I wasn’t impeded all of 2017 in the first place I probably wouldn’t be in this time crunch.

    Has anyone had any success with getting scores extended because of cumulative delays? My state board reps (WA state) basically told me that they were only extending for people who lost scores during the 10-week delay of Q2 2017 and couldn’t retake in Q3 (shocker).

    This sounds more whiny than I meant it to be and I apologize for that. I just think I hit the delays just right to get screwed over by passing my first in Q4 2016. Is anyone else in the same boat like me? Any success in getting 18 months extended for score delays? Any other advice?

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  • #1765523

    I’m kinda in the same boat I’ve been at it since 2016 and seen those score delays. I don’t think I can make a case of requesting extension. I had plenty of open windows in 2017 to pass all those remaining exams and I didn’t. :/ I’ve just accepted that and moved on and now I’m retaking my expired BEC exam in May. Really analyze your particular circumstances with the timing of score releases and see if it makes sense to appeal?


    Same boat. Just wanted to post to see updates. I'm really hoping to see a response from someone who has had success extending their window. It's still a few months before I lose my part, but I will absolutely contact someone for a chance to extend. No harm in trying. I understood the delay in 2017, but for this current year I see no point. Very unfair to those testing now, ultimately gives us less chances of testing.


    I am super whiney about this all the time. I think it's absolutely ridiculous. I get wanting to make enhancements but do it all at once or spread it out so the same people aren't continuously getting impacted.

    My BEC credit expired – for a number of reasons, but I like to blame it on the score release date. I transferred from Kansas to Washington because Kansas had a residency requirement that I no longer met due to having to move – and I was unsuccessful in getting an extension for my credit from both states.


    @jdub Agree with that. The incorporation of Excel was not a good enough reason to do back-to-back exam updates. They should have held off and consolidated it with other future changes.


    And to put salt in the wound, we're back to June 28th for AUD/FAR/REG scores now, per NASBA twitter. If the AICPA actually reads these forums looking for exam content and stuff, why don't they do something about in delaying our scores if they can see how upset we are?


    Candidate anger keeps pass rates down. Just how they like it, another distraction from our goals


    That isn't it though. Candidate anger doesn't affect scores, nor should it. I'm saying the AICPA supposedly reads these forums and haven't taken any action, after reading story after story of people losing scores while waiting 3+ months for results, to things fair. To make any concessions to the 18 month rule. It's not fair to people like myself and MANY others who were waiting for scores all through 2017 and AGAIN in 2018. While a candidate through 2016 had their scores in 10 days to a month every time. It's a serious impediment to getting the exam done and they don't even acknowledge it.


    I heard a handful of states gave extensions last year due to the delayed score release. For the hell of it, last week I emailed my state board and the lady basically said F off and stick it up your @$$ and the only way I can get an extension is due to “extreme hardship”. She also said the score delay was only a “slight delay” and I almost blew a gasket. It's frustrating to say the least with how much life people give up for these exams


    I basically started contemplating what I should do after the June 28th release if I fail FAR or REG and thought it might be a better idea to only take exams at the end of the window giving me 2 more shots at REG and FAR if needed in 2018. My first credit lapses next March so I would definitely gain some peace of mind with an extension


    According to NASBA twitter they replied to someone and their reasoning for the delay is “Due to the launch of new Exam software in April 2018, the AICPA must evaluate test question performance for the Q2, Q3 and Q4 testing windows.”

    Sounds like b/s and just a reason for frustration. They shouldn’t have implemented if they weren’t confident in the software.

    BEC 8/14/14 - Passed
    Graduated from college 12/13/14
    AUD 8/31/15 - 74. Retake - Passed


    I wonder what they're taking that extra day to do. What exactly is entailed in “evaluating test question performance”


    I hope they call an audible on the Q3 and Q4 score release dates and switch back to a normal score release. It shouldn't take more than 1 window to evaluate performance if it's only a software update. Maybe they secretly made more changes to the exam 😉 … My REG exam MCQ's were brutal. I felt like I was the most prepared out of any exam for REG and really got a curveball with how strange the MCQ's seemed


    Just another indirect way to bring down the pass rate for the exam candidates by delaying the score release dates, thereby messing with their exam/study plans.


    I will complement the AICPA for the software updates as they are definitely a huge upgrade in functionality. The delayed score release is pretty pathetic though mostly due to the fact that it's 3 quarters being delayed. Why couldn't they just do these evaluations in 1 quarter? Or outsource it and have people do dry run exams and evaluate it that way?


    WA state won't even talk to me. I got a vague notice from NASBA saying WA state has reviewed the appeal and said no.

    I couldn't test in the 2nd window because the only place I could have taken the exam was down in Portland, it was on a Friday and I can't take those days off work, especially with only a week or two notice.

    This whole process is a scam. It's all about money. If they (NASBA/state board) aren't bad enough we've got CPA software people pushing products down our throats saying “hurry, the exam content is changing” or “hurry, there will be a score delay” or “hurry, there is a format change”. All that does is put more pressure on us and like the idiot consumer that I am, I fall for it every time.

    Basically, I'm on a soap box too 🙂

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