So discouraging, so much pressure

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  • #188497

    I’ve been on my journey since January of this year and while it may not be that long in comparison to some others, I am beyond discouraged and defeated. I started out with REG, took it 3 times and failed each…I’ve literally read the Becker book 3 times, and still not a pass. I decided to move onto Audit and I went through the book, reading, writing, and doing MCQs…but my methods haven’t worked and I failed again.

    So here I am, a week away from starting my full-time job and I feel like I’ve already failed…how can I work for a firm where I cannot even pass one section??! It’s embarrassing, especially when others have passed all 4 parts in the last year since our internship. I don’t feel like I’m worthy enough to work because of it. Maybe 1 month for audit was too little, but REG again? I honestly feel like a failure.

    I feel so defeated, any words of encouragement or help would be greatly appreciated. What do I do with myself today after last night’s letdown?

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  • #600674

    Sorry to hear ren, believe me when I say, I have taken Auditing so many times I can't even fit it in my signature. Others may have taken it more then me, but I have taken it at least 10 times, and finally passed it. What study material are you using? In my opinion, I think REG is a beast of a test, I've taken it 3 times already, my scores were as followed; 38, 52, 65. Maybe try a different section.

    FAR - 77
    BEC - 77
    AUD - 89
    REG - 85


    Have you tried supplementing with NINJA notes? I used Becker, but all section didn't come full circle until I utilized the NINA notes. They are a very small investment that you will def get your return on investment on.

    My method was different than some. I would read each chapter and then do the MCQ's. I would take notes on every MCQ(if new topic that I didn't already have noted). I would then type up my notes and combine them with the NINJA notes. I would leave 2 weeks until my exam for a full review. I only practiced SIM's on my first exam to get a foundation of the process I would have to go through.

    Keep with it, you can do it!

    AUD: April 2014 - 85
    REG: May 2014 - 83
    BEC: July 2014 - 82
    FAR: August 2014 - 83

    I'M DONE!!


    @Megatron @sep7uakron

    I am using Becker and I have supplemented with the NINJA material…but I haven't been able to utilize the NINJA notes for or the MCQ as much as I shoud have because I just run out of time…I've been trying to get it all done…I've rescheduled for all of the sections and even tried to attempt the FASTPASS Becker offers, but it's just never enough time.

    Am I not giving myself enough time to study fully for these? How much time did you give yourself per section before taking the exam?

    I honestly cannot cope with the being a failure feeling, I'm supposed to go work for the Big 4 next week and I have yet to accomplish anything but failure on these exams, while others I know have passed all 4 on their first try. The only difference is they went through a Master's program, while I double majored and took supplementary classes to reach the 150 credit requirement as they were all older and I had another year left of college.

    I'm going to walk in there feeling like the biggest fraud of all.


    Hi All,

    I feel like I am falling into this pool myself. I passed FAR are many attempts in May. Today, I found out that I failed AUD by 6 points.

    I have already set my exam date to take REG November 22nd. I got my study schedule all planned out, taking my PTO's as study time. Now, I am not sure if I take away study time from REG to apply to AUDIT I may just be doing damage than good.

    Now, I really do not know if I should try and retake AUDIT before the window closes or just stick to REG and study my brain out.

    I have to say, I am really disappointed since, I pulled out all the stops and felt like I really know and understand AUDIT.

    Any help will be welcome….Thanks! and Congratulations to all who have passed.


    Everyone is different, but I find making my own note cards on the most important info from each section makes a difference.

    Florida CPA!
    Took final exam 2/25/15.
    Sent in Application 3/12/15.
    Issued License 3/20/15.
    Used CPA Excel solely for all exams.


    I committed to only 6 weeks per section. It seems like a short period of time, but Jeff even mentions that you shouldn't spend over 8 weeks per section. I studied around 180-200 hours per section and had no life. I gave up everything and just dedicated myself to the exam process. Reading the book is fine to get a base, but the benefit is all in the MCQ's. I only used Becker MCQ's, but have heard that the NINJA MCQ's are excellent as well. I at times felt Becker over prepared you for the exam. Understand this, you will never feel completely prepared going in for an exam. You are always going to walk out of the exam knowing you had questions that were not part of your review material. Trust that your review material will get you through the golden gate. I think people tend to get too into the details for the exams and overlook the straight forward concepts. Are you going to get extremely hard questions on the exam? Yes. Are those questions going to take up a significant amount of your time on the exam? Yes. I didn't panic on those questions and if I felt I didn't know the concept while taking the exam, I made an educated guess. The biggest piece of advice I can provide is to read the question first and understand what they are asking of you. Often time you don't even need to read the whole question to answer it.

    AUD: April 2014 - 85
    REG: May 2014 - 83
    BEC: July 2014 - 82
    FAR: August 2014 - 83

    I'M DONE!!

    CPA soon

    Look at my scores, I just received my first pass.. I started studying February 2013..Never quit or give up, persevere and you will make it.

    Lessons learned:

    Do tons of multiple choice (at least 1000)

    Understand why every one of the choices is right or wrong

    Tackle your weak subject in the early study stages rather than ignore and leave to last

    Read Ninja notes a few times and space them out, once before starting studying, same day or day before the exam, and along the process

    Write notes only while doing multiple choice (don't write notes while reading the book) and write them over the ninja notes

    FAR - 71, 68, 74, (8/31/14) 78 ✔
    REG - 67, 71, 71, (10/18/14) 78 ✔
    BEC - (11/29/14) 86 ✔
    AUD - 73, (4/4/15) 86 ✔

    I can't believe this is over! 2 years and 3 months..


    renlizabeth A good word of advice I've taken from this forum is to fully understand why a question is wrong or right. You may be doing tons of MCQ but you also may be memorizing them instead of fully understanding them. I'd say budget a little more time if you can and start reasoning why you got something correct and why the other choices are wrong–out loud lol. Then you can see if you've truly grasped the concept or your're memorizing.


    Also, I read the Becker book and felt like I truly understand the material, but Audit is easy to understand but tricky to test. One word can completely change the answer. Oh and for Audit, utilize the AL for all the TBS you can, not just the research question! Good luck!


    I am feeling your pain…

    Audit -78 will loose credit in December

    Reg 53, 76

    FAR – 74, 74, 73

    BEC 71, 69

    I now am down to my last window before loosing a credit. Unfortunately, I have been down this road before and gave up 17 years ago. I took the exam when it was paper and pencil and was down to only Financial left. Had babies and decided I would never use/need it. BIG MISTAKE now at 43 with three teenagers and working full-time I am back at it. I can only say there is NEVER an easier or better time in life and we have to just persevere. We can't be defeated and set our minds on we CAN. I am preaching to myself as much as to anyone…as it was a big slap to see that 73 this morning on my third attemp.

    Audit - 78
    REG - 53, 76
    BEC 71, 69 75
    FAR - 74, 74, 73, 79!!!


    I feel your pain. In August I got my score of 74 on REG. 74! That score shouldn't be legal, it's so mean. I had already scheduled Audit for the end of August, so I just kept studying for that and took it. This morning, I saw I got a 67. So.. I'm retaking REG in October, right after I start my full time job, and I'll have to take AUD sometime after that. I agree with you, it is so discouraging and I was about ready to give up when I saw I had failed another one.

    Just keep plugging through. You know you're not the only one, by far. This test is a beast. Take it one at a time, and take a deep breath. WE CAN DO THIS!

    FAR- 76

    BEC- 86

    REG- 74 (retaking soon…)

    AUD- 67 (also retaking soon.. ugh!)

    BEC: 86
    FAR: 76
    REG: 74, 84
    AUD: 67, retaking 11/22


    I just want you to know you're not alone. I've taken 3 sections 4 times and failed each one. I took the day off today to rethink all of this and even my entire career choice. I sort of feel like, with everything that's gone wrong on these exams (from my college telling me I'd have all 150 hours when I only had 149 – found that out when my application got denied – to my employer refusing to sign an experience affidavit validating that i have a year of experience; now I've got to wait 1.5 more years until I hit the 4 year mark) maybe the universe is giving me a sign.

    But you know what? It's not. I'm not going to let NASBA tell me I shouldn't be an accountant. I'm not going to let this get in the way of the rest of my plans. I have given up a year of my life on this thing already and I'm not going to give up 2 more (1 year waiting, 1 year taking). I'm doing this.

    Exam:I'm done 🙂 🙂 🙂
    REG - 71 (2/22/14); 67 (4/3/14); 74 (8/29/15); 83 (2/29/16)!!!
    BEC - 72 (5/24/14); 85 (1/3/15)!!!!
    AUD - 72 (8/23/14); 76 (10/15/14)!!!
    FAR - 77 (5/26/15)!!!

    Started in 2013 using Kaplan and failed REG, REG, BEC, AUD. Switched to NINJA suite in Sept 2014 and passed AUD...then BEC...then FAR!
    REG took 2 tries but I finally got it in too!
    I'm a hard convert - Using NINJA method with NINJA video/book/notes/MCQ

    Education: Check
    Experience: 3 months left! I hit 4 years on May 30 🙂


    Don't give up guys!!! I seriously don't see how a standardized test is a true indicator of anyone's ability. Instead it is how well you can take a test.

    Hang in there and whatever you do, don't give up! This forum is the best place you can come for encouragement and help with the exam. You will find support here and other people that can sympathize. If you need to take a break and re-gather your esteem and “want to,” then do it. But don't give up!

    AUD - 99
    BEC - 97
    REG - 91
    FAR - 1/8/16


    @ ren, I would highly suggest spending more quality time studying. It sounds like the fact that it appears your friends are passing with ease is giving you the notion that these tests are “easy” or should be easy and so when your studying maybe you slack just a little or end a study session early bc you are reminded your friends prbly did the same.

    Also, In my experience the ones who claim they got an “A” without studying or killed it without even trying were the ones who grinded it out the most behind closed doors! So don't fall trap to falling short on your studying bc you think everyone else is to.

    Now I have seen people claim on here that they pass a section while studying a week or two but that is uncommon, few people have the unique ability to concentrate and grasp such a large amount of material in a small time period.. but possible.

    My advice is when you start studying for your next section forget about everyone else, don't worry about there progress or how much there studying, FOCUS on you. Plan a start study date and an exam date based on previous experience. If you need more time to study… then plan accordingly (2 solid weeks to review is the norm) and put everything you got into this one. Then at the end, you'll know you did everything you could and pass or fail you can be proud of your effort and I guarantee you will end up with a favorable result.

    A - 89 10/23/2014
    R - 90 2/27/2014
    F - 75 5/25/2014
    B - 83 8/28/2014


    Thank you everyone for your kind words of encouragement, I took the day off from studying to kind of “center” myself if that makes sense. I believe I put too much pressure on myself to finish all 4 sections in a short period of time and just burned myself out. I am going to move on to BEC because my NTS expires and then FAR for the same reason. Maybe FAR will be more difficult because of the sheer amount of information and historic pass rates, but I'd rather take it than let my NTS go to waste.

    Each exam is a learning experience and like everyone says, we will get there eventually. I am still a little defeated in a sense, but I should be back to normal in a day or so.

    I wish everyone luck!

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