Snail Mail States! - Page 2

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  • #157743

    As I sit here at 2AM studying for my (hopefully) final exam (REG on Friday) … I thought I would see if there are other people posting on this site that are from snail mail states and feel the added pain of having to read about others who know the results of their exam weeks before you do!

    I’d like to see an added estimate of the time it takes to get your results if you receive your results in the mail…because all I can do at this point is take a random guess of a week or two, after all the NASBA states receive their results. Obviously all states are different since results likely flow through each Board of Accountancy, but I spoke with a rep from WV and know that results are mailed out the same day they are received in my state. With approx. 1 business day for delivery, I think it would be possible to come up with an estimate if enough people post their experiences!

    Just a thought, I’m still waiting to get my BEC score and wonder if it will come faster this time since BEC is released first and the tedious task of printing and mailing each exam has a smaller chance of being as backed up and further delaying my results.

    Though of course, writing this post is just another way of procrastinating, so back to studying I go…

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  • Author
  • #228791

    glad to hear the good news!!! congratulations!


    Anyone know how long it generally takes NC to mail the scores?  I took FAR in April and just took AUD on Monday.  I know I won't receive AUD for a while but I have friends in NASBA states who got their FAR score back last night…

    FAR-94 AUD-96 BEC-91 REG-Waiting for score


    I can't answer your question on how long it takes to mail them, but I found this after hearing about NC getting BEC scores mailed yesterday, so at least you can know when they are mailed…


    Thanks!  They just updated it this afternoon…. sent out tomorrow!!  Which probably means i would receive it on Monday… if they delivered mail on Memorial Day…

    FAR-94 AUD-96 BEC-91 REG-Waiting for score


    i'm in charlotte and got my BEC score today (sat on 5/10). 2 points from passing…ouch 🙁

    AUD 79
    REG 77
    BEC 75
    FAR 77



    I am in Oregon; I got my FAR score from wave 2 about a week after folks in NASBA states got them… I got my BEC score from wave 1 yesterday… I think that was only a couple of days after NASBA states.

    FAR 2/26/2010 [89]; BEC 4/3/2010 [87]
    REG 5/15/2010 [?]; AUD 7/3/2010


    First time poster.  I am in Mississippi.  Th state board told me my AUD score is in and I should get in mail tomorrow.  I took that on May 13th.  Although I took FAR on April 2nd.  They have not received that one yet?  What is the deal there? 

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