Snail Mail States!

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  • #157743

    As I sit here at 2AM studying for my (hopefully) final exam (REG on Friday) … I thought I would see if there are other people posting on this site that are from snail mail states and feel the added pain of having to read about others who know the results of their exam weeks before you do!

    I’d like to see an added estimate of the time it takes to get your results if you receive your results in the mail…because all I can do at this point is take a random guess of a week or two, after all the NASBA states receive their results. Obviously all states are different since results likely flow through each Board of Accountancy, but I spoke with a rep from WV and know that results are mailed out the same day they are received in my state. With approx. 1 business day for delivery, I think it would be possible to come up with an estimate if enough people post their experiences!

    Just a thought, I’m still waiting to get my BEC score and wonder if it will come faster this time since BEC is released first and the tedious task of printing and mailing each exam has a smaller chance of being as backed up and further delaying my results.

    Though of course, writing this post is just another way of procrastinating, so back to studying I go…

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  • #228776

    I'm in WV too…it's so frustrating to have to wait this long. I usually get my results 8 days after the AICPA releases them. My guess is that we'll receive our BEC scores on Thursday, maybe Friday depending on where you live. I just wish our state wasn't so far behind the times…why can't they post our scores on their websites like the other states? I can't get too angry with them….they are always so friendly and helpful, and they have a quick turn-around in getting the score notices mailed out. Good luck, CPAinWV!


    Can you call the State Board and have them give them out over the phone?


    They gave me mine over the phone in WV last time. It was after the score notices had all ready been mailed (not sure if that matters). It doesn't hurt to ask. If you're in WV and you call today, please let us know if they've received our scores.


    I am in WV too. It sucks waiting longer than everyone else and I wish WV would move along with the times too…. but they are really nice on the phone so I can't be mad at them either.  We could have known our scores last Friday!! Even if they would at least get on twitter or something and let us know when they've received the scores that would be helpful. I would then know to expect it in the mail the next day. I'm only on my second exam, BEC, and have FAR down. So I have a lot of extra waiting ahead of me still with Audit and Reg. I just try not to think about it, it's all that I can do!!

    I was thinking of calling at the end of the day today, but I bet they won't have received them yet. I agree with you…maybe Thursday but more likely Friday.

    Hang in there!

    FAR 2/22- 87, BEC 4/14- 87, AUD 5/28- 92, REG 8/30


    Thanks for the responses! I'm glad to know there are a few other people from WV out there waiting just like me. I definitely like the idea of the Twitter post about receiving the scores, the staff is REALLY nice and I feel bad for calling and asking since I'm so impatient.

    That being said, I called them anyway today haha, so as of 1:30 PM they do not have any scores but mentioned that they should be coming soon.

    Best of luck on the rest of your exams!


    I just got the Audit score today, which really surprised me since I thought I would get it in the second wave 🙂 I took it May 10. Still no result for REG though – took it in April :))) But thanks God I passed AUD!!!


    I checked the NC board's website this morning…they're also a snail mail state, and they post the mailing dates for the score notices.  It says the BEC score notices were mailed to candidates today.  Therefore, the WV board should have our score notices – or at least should get them today.  (I know, I'm a dork and I'm a little too obsessed over the score release. But, hopefully, this is my last one – so, can you really blame me for being this pathetic?) 

    I'll probably call late this afternoon and see if they'll tell me my score. 


    I hope you are right and they get them today and mail them out. That would be beyond terrific! I called yesterday and the lady said that they would be getting the scores in a couple of days and to check back “in a couple days”. She said that like a couple days is nothing but in fact… after waiting this long to get my score a couple days is the equivalent to me of waiting 3 more weeks.  Then I figured the worst, that they would receive them by Friday, mail them out on Friday and since I guess I don't get it in the mail the next day but instead 2 days later, AND with the holiday Monday that I wouldn't get it in the mail until Tuesday. That will drive me nuts. So, like I said, I hope you are right. Thanks for doing the research with the NC website… 🙂 

    FAR 2/22- 87, BEC 4/14- 87, AUD 5/28- 92, REG 8/30


    And you are not pathetic, I'm right there with ya. 🙂

    FAR 2/22- 87, BEC 4/14- 87, AUD 5/28- 92, REG 8/30


    Wow, thanks for the update! I think I'll do the same as well (call this afternoon). I know just how you feel about waiting…if I pass BEC, then REG (which I'll take on Friday) could be the end of the CPA exam for me! Either way, I'm leaving for a cruise on Sunday =) …I'd like to have as much confidence as possible that I've got this whole experience behind me, so I can truly relax…


    After one of you calls today will you post on here if they have received the BEC scores and are mailing out? Thanks!

    FAR 2/22- 87, BEC 4/14- 87, AUD 5/28- 92, REG 8/30


    Just to let you know, I called at 3PM and they do have the BEC scores in WV office. I passed with an 84!! Now if I can just focus and get through REG on Friday…


    hmmm, took AUD in 5/10 and were in wave 1?  that's encouraging for me since i took BEC on 5/10.  seems like i have a chance to get that score before i get REG which i took on 4/5.  at this point i'm not expecting anything before the holiday though.

    AUD 79
    REG 77
    BEC 75
    FAR 77



    I just got off the phone with the board…I passed!!!  I can't believe this nightmare is over!  Good luck to everyone on the remaining parts of your exams!


    I just called too. I passed! The lady on the phone is SO nice! 🙂

    Congratulations everyone!

    FAR 2/22- 87, BEC 4/14- 87, AUD 5/28- 92, REG 8/30

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