Score Wait in Non-NASBA States (October/November Wave 2) - Page 2

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    Just thought I’d start the thread for those of us like myself in non-NASBA states who are waiting for scores this week. I think I will have to be committed if I don’t have an answer from Virginia by Friday!

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  • #210580

    Saludos Lauren…

    I'm so glad to find a Boricua here… I think we are one the same boat, waiting for BEC result, I take Bec on november 28. It was terrible, harder than the first one, when I got 73. I think this one was the most difficult part of all.

    Hopefully we will meet at the ” Juramentacion”


    KatieLouWho – I thought I was going to be in Wave 1 too…This waiting is killing me!

    What really sucks is I had to retake BEC which I passed…so people are like, didn't pass that already? What did you take it again? Then I have to relive failing AUD. SADNESS

    Come on AICPA – I have a six pack of Dos Equis waiting for me to celebrate! 🙂

    Good Luck everyone!


    CasiCPA… yeah I'm so exited to be over this, BEC was hard for me but I actually found the exam harder than the final tests I practiced with the beckers material. I think I just got lucky, otherwise I did real bad! can't stand the wait but I hope your right and we'll see each other in the “juramentation”. EXITO!

    FAR 77; AUD 82; REG 80; BEC 89!

    IM A CPA!!!


    Waiting for FAR here! It's painful too because I have to wait for the score release, then wait about 9 days to get it in the mail! So I have about seven days of additional nerves!


    MD doesnt have anything either. Its actually pissing me off really badly. Im getting anxious, excited, nervous, diarrheic – all at the same time.

    soon CPA

    The scores will come when we expect them the least!

    I saw a dream tonight and I got 75+75!!!


    I am in IL and I have taken audit 3 times (previous to this attempt). I changed a lot of what I was doing to prepare for this to be a successful attempt, and the waiting is horrible!

    I found this website awhile ago and think it is great! I have never posted before, but I have read a lot of comments. It is great to have a place that everyone can vent / share. Anyone other than someone sitting for this exam does not seem to get how much goes into this between preparing and the time you give up to do it.

    Come on AICPA – I really need to pass this!!!

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson


    Heres what a friend of mine told me: In MD scores come out either on NASBA date or day after — in the mornings.

    NASBA for BEC was projected to be Dec 16th. So the scores will likely come out tomorrow.


    who “projected” the NASBA scores on the 16th? is that an official projection? (I hope so)

    I'll Pass Eventually
    REG (67, 66), BEC (79), FAR (5/26/10), AUD (August 2010)


    wasvsdal… I thought that the AICPA releases the scores first, then it goes on to NASBA?… so, if NASBA was to get scores on Dec 16th, I thought AICPA would have released them on Dec 14th? Whatever the set-up… it is very frustrating to have to wait so long for a MC-choice type of exam like BEC. I am also in the process of taking the CIA (Certified Internal Auditor) and after you take a part (there are 4 parts @ 100 Q's) you are given a “tentative” score when you walk out, and then they send an official score a few weeks later… but, at least you have a pretty good idea of how you did. I sure wish the CPA exam would consider this at some point! In any event… good luck to all waiting for scores… hopefully sometime this week!



    Would you say the CIA is as hard a test as the CPA exam? Amount of material covered, preparation/study time, actual exam, etc…


    richardcpa… I would say that the CIA materials, to me, are easier. Since we have studied for the CPA exam there is a LOT of overlapping material. There are 4 parts to the exam, but, if you pass the CPA you only have to take 3 parts (which is great!)… I use the Gleim materials, and for the CPA Exam there are 20 modules/study book… for the CIA Exam there are 10 modules/study book. I've only taken one part of the exam so far (and passed!)… I would say I put in ~10 hours/week (would have maybe put in 15 if I didn't have to put in time for BEC!) of study time. I felt that the exam was way less stressful, predominantly because it was MC only.


    Hopefully we just have to wait until tomorrow morning. 🙂


    Of course since I live in a postal mail state, an AICPA release on the 16th means I'll probably receive my score in the mail on the 5th of the following month. Bleh.


    I got my BEC score in IL this morning (Dec 17th). Pass!

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